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It didn't take very long for Penny to find Barbie's getaway house after that. When she arrived, she quickly opened the door and examined the place she would be calling home for the foreseeable future.

The house was cute, but it was also very small. It had a kitchen to the right of the bed, but besides the bed itself and a single toilet to the left, that was all. There was one wall and a small roof that barely extended and didn't cover most of the bed she would be sleeping on. Penny felt like she was basically sleeping outside with only one wall. 

The bed itself was barely long and wide enough to fit her body. However, She wasn't complaining. She was thankful. Barbie let her stay here, and that meant a lot to her. 

She didn't have any pajamas so she'd just have to wear what was on her to bed. After the party, she changed back into the outfit that she originally arrived with. The outfit consisted of a dark blue dress decorated with small yellow polka dots and a pair of white platform boots. Penny loved Barbie's clothes, but couldn't wait till Mattel developed her some of her own.

Penny sat on the bed and took her shoes off. She set them on the ground next to the be, climbed under the black and white striped covers, and fell asleep. 


Penny woke up due to the sun shining directly into her eyes. She smiled, it was like her own personal alarm clock. She sat up and put her shoes on before getting out of bed and immediately left out the door.  

Walking past the beach to get back to Barbie's house she saw all the Kens, and Allan, gathered on the sand. They all looked to be having fun, except for Stereotypical Barbie's Ken who was glaring at one of the other Kens. As she walked past, she decided to make her presence known. 

"Hi, Allan!" She called out and waved.

"Hi, Penny!" Allan waved back, not used to being greeted first.

She grinned and then turned to Ken, who was already looking over at her. 

"Hi, Ken!" Penny greeted.

"Hi, Penny!" He replied. 

"Hi, Penny!" Another Ken she hadn't met yet called. 

"Hi, Ken!" She responded. This went on for a while until she greeted everyone at the beach. 

"Alright sorry everyone, I would love to stay a chat, but unfortunately I have to run. I still need to learn the choreography for Barbie's Big Blowout Party tonight. I'll see you all there and talk to you then!" Penny revealed. This was news to them, none of them had heard about this party. They didn't hear about this party until now. It wasn't surprising though, they usually only heard about them a few hours before they happened.

They didn't think about this for long though as Penny continued, "But let me leave you with a story. A car hit a man and split him in half. The owner of the car quickly pulled over and ran up to the man. 'Are you alright!?' the driver yelled. The man turned and looked at the driver and responded, "No. Thanks to you, I'm all left." 

The beach roared with laughter. Penny felt content at that and left on a high note, waving goodbye to them as she went.

It didn't take long before Penny finally reached Barbie's Dreamhouse. Seeing Penny outside through the open walls, Barbie smiled and ran over the door and opened it to greet her. 

"Hi, Penny!" Barbie welcomed. 

"Hi, Barbie!" Penny responded. 

"Come in! I can't wait to teach you the dance for tonight!"

The two walked into the living room. "I usually teach the routines for these parties during girls' night, but you've only come here yesterday. I was so excited about your arrival, I didn't want to teach you then. I wanted to get to know you more" Barbie explained. 

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