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Ken left to go beach. 

It was the big day. Barbie's big blowout party was this night. Penny stayed behind to practice the choreography. She was finally starting to get it, but her moves weren't as seamless as they could've been. The cartwheel backflip combination made her the most nervous. She and Other Ken were going to cross each other and do synchronous moves. She was terrified she'd face-plant in front of everyone.

The more she thought, the more rigid her movements became. Frustration was overtaking her. She needed to get out of her own head before tonight. Maybe talking to Allan would do her some good.

Penny walked toward the main part of the beach, knowing she'd find Allan there. As she got closer she spotted Allan standing awkwardly amongst the Kens and Barbies there. He looked around nervously before spotting her and giving her a small smile and a wave.

Her mood had already brightened, and she returned his smile and wave with a bigger one of her own, causing him to grin and meet her halfway.

"Allannnn!" Penny greeted him when they got closer.

"Pennnyy!" Allan returned, copying her enthusiasm.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted," Penny whined, slinging an arm over Allan's shoulder and leaning on him. "You should do my part of the dance tonight."

"Come on, you'll do amazing just like last time." He said, nudging her.

"Thanks, Allan," she smiled, "but I still want to watch you do my part. You'd freaking kill it."

"You just want to watch me do a backflip."

She gave him a mischievous grin, "Guilty."

He scoffed and pushed her slightly, causing her to laugh.

"Hey Barbie, check me out." Penny heard Ken say. She turned to watch as Ken ran towards the plastic waves with his surfboard. She was glad he listened to her and was giving it one more day. 

"Ken," Allan let out, worried about his friend. His worry caught Penny off guard. She had been watching with everyone else and didn't see anything wrong. But Allan did. She turned back and watched in apprehension as Ken neared the waves.

He kept running straight and Penny wondered when he was going to get on his board. 

He never did, he just ran directly into the wave.

"NOOOO!" Allan screamed as Penny gasped.

Ken flew through the air shouting "OooohHH NOoooOO!" Before he landed on his back.

Penny and Barbie ran forward kneeling down beside him.

"Ken?" Barbie asked.

"Oh hey Barbie," He responded.


"Ken! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are you in any pain?" Penny rambled, tripping up on her words every now and then.

"Penny," Ken greeted, a little woozy. "How much of that did you see?"

"We saw the whole thing," Barbie responded. Penny let out a breath, he seemed to be more embarrassed than anything, but her worry wouldn't go away until Doctor Barbie checked him. "Let's get you up on your feet, Ken."

"You guys are so strong," He chuckled, letting the two pull him up. Throwing an arm over each of the girls' shoulders for support.

"Take it slow, Ken," Penny said, wrapping an arm around his waist to help him walk.

They began to move forward until someone blocked their way.

Other Ken laughed, "Oh, looks like this beach was a little too much beach for you, Ken."

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