Everybody's Working For The WeeKend

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It had officially been a week since Penny had first arrived in Barbieland. Since that first night when she and Ken had first spent learning more about one another, she had been taking turns between girls' night and Ken's and her night. On nights she went to girls' night, she'd come home to find Ken waiting for her, and then they'd talk a little or do something for a bit before going to bed. 

At girls' night, she and the other Barbies played games and talked about anything and everything for hours. At Penny and Ken's night, they had done the same. Recently, the two had been obsessed with Mad Libs and Uno.

She'd been doing her best to keep herself busy, making sure she was never alone. That meant she would usually hang out with Barbie or Ken in the morning, Allan in the afternoon, and then, of course, hang out with Ken or the Barbies at night.

Today, she hoped for the same thing. She walked to the beach, letting Ken sleep in, as he always slept in a little later than her. She made her way to the beach like normal, but once she arrived, she noticed something different. Usually, there were already many Kens there, but unfortunately for her, it seemed to be completely empty. 

She made her way to Barbie's dreamhouse to see if she could spend time with her. As she walked towards her house, she noticed that the streets of Barbieland were empty. She looked around, wondering where everyone was.

She shook the thought from her mind as she walked up Barbie's stone steps and rang her doorbell. Barbie opened the door and greeted Penny.

"Hi, Penny. What's up?" Barbie asked.

"Good morning, Barbie. I was wondering if you were free today and if we could hang out." Penny replied. 

"I'm sorry," Barbie apologized, "I can't hang out today. I'm going to watch Lawyer Barbie give a speech in front of the Barbie Supreme Court Justices today."

"Oh," Penny replied, "do you think I could come with?"

Panic flashed in Barbie's eyes, "Sorry, I think it's just a Barbie meeting. But we're still having girls' night of course so we can hang then."

"Sounds good. So are all the Barbies gonna be there?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Penny tried to keep the sadness out of her voice as she questioned, "Do you know where any of the Kens are?" 

"I think they're all working on a project."

"Oh. Umm alright. I'll see you later tonight?" Penny asked.

"Yeah, definitely!" Barbie assured, before walking back into her house. 

Penny turned around, gazing at the empty streets before her. 

She began to walk back to the beach, pulling out her plastic phone to text Allan and ask if he was free. Technically, it wasn't her phone. Barbie had given her one of her extra phones a couple of days ago.

It seemed that besides the original outfit she arrived with, everything she had was from Barbie. She knew she should be more patient, after all, it had only been a week, but she couldn't help feeling a little restless. When was Mattel finally going to give her something of her own?

Before she could slide her phone back into her pocket, Allan had already replied, saying 'Sorry, Penny. I'm helping a few of the Kens with something today :('

Penny sighed. She began to walk back towards the beach, not knowing where else to go. She walked past the movie theater, but no one was inside. Barbieland felt empty. It seemed no one was at their jobs today. She couldn't do anything to distract her. She was completely and utterly alone, with only her thoughts to keep her company.

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