Colby's POV: July 2017 (TFIL Suicide Bridge)

Elton did his intro and reminded Corey about his blanket getting yanked the last time we'd been here.

There were a shit ton of blankets in Corey's bag. Elton commented about the fact that we all had hoodies, and Sam was in a T-shirt.

On the way down, Corey and Sam heard a female voice. We all heard a cackle, and Elton caught it on camera the second time, and determined it was a scream. He wondered if someone needed help or if it was a trap a demon was setting.

I heard something above us.

We walked to the bridge and looked around. Corey made a pretty good joke, and then we heard a loud scream.

There were people on top of the bridge screaming, so I yelled, "Hey, yeah, that was funny. Bitch!"

We ended up going the wrong way, and Elton pointed out that the no no no's were now gone.

I was walking ahead of the group and we thought we heard someone whistling. Sam noticed arrows on the ground.

Elton mentioned the mommy that none of us had heard.

We walked through overgrown shrubbery and Sam and Corey wondered if our blankets were still there.

Once again, as we trudged on, I was ahead of everyone.

I found a blanket that looked like it was Corey's, and sat down on the sewer thing. Elton warned me about broken glass, and I got up.

Elton asked if we wanted to talk to spirits and Sam asked if Elton really brought the game. I had forgotten he had a backpack as well.

We all started hearing things, and Amanda and I heard a thud. Sam was hearing them too. Sam thought they could be giant rocks, and then Amanda said they could be bodies.

"Is it Ouija board time?" Elton asked.

I gave a small smile. "Let's do it."

We started preparing to do the board and Elton said we had to make sure the aesthetic was right to summon a demon.

Corey, Amanda, and Sam then heard a girl scream. As usual, Corey didn't want to do the board.

Sam and I noticed blood on the board and there were ants crawling in it. I think the creepiest part is that the blood was recent.

The blood came from Elton's thumb, and he had no idea what had happened. While we were trying to figure out what had happened, Corey heard something.

Elton asked what you'd say to curse a Ouija board and then said, "I give you blood, you give us answers." He spread the blood in a cross formation on the board.

"Elton, that's not smart," I said.

"Here's the weirdest thing; it stopped bleeding. It actually stopped bleeding."

We were all even more hesitant to touch the Ouija board. We heard even more noises and Elton seemed in awe about the amount of blood on the board.

Sam wanted to start the Ouija board, and we tried to encourage Corey to join. Elton reminded us that we left off with it telling us someone would die.

Corey saw something and started freaking out. He thought he saw something walking, and Amanda had seen something.

Elton was smiling due to his nervousness like he sometimes does.

We forgot how to do the Ouija board, which was kind of funny.

Corey instructed Sam, Amanda, and I how to do the Ouija board. We forgot how to do it everytime. Not purposefully, either.

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