Chapter 1

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Sofia woke up at the very break of dawn as clover jumped into her arms.

"Happy 18th Sof!" Clover exclaimed

"Good morning to you too Clover," Sofia shot out of bed, she had clearly been awake for a while.

"Why are you up so early?" Clover asked as he hopped about her bed.

Sofia dragged herself out of bed and grumbled, "Because amber wanted me to meet her in the ballroom for planning my eighteenth birthday party."

Amber knocked on the door to Sofia's room and called "Sofia?"

Sofia went over to the door and opened it, "Good morning Amber... What are you holding?"

"Someone left this for you. Oh. And happy birthday Sof." Amber said as she handed the package to Sofia and then walked into her room.

Sofia sat down on her alcove. The only thing that she could find on the outside of the box was some writing that read, "To: Princess Sofia"

She opened it up to find a dress

Amber came out of Sofia's closet holding what looked like dozens of dresses in her arms and said, "That's beautiful

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Amber came out of Sofia's closet holding what looked like dozens of dresses in her arms and said, "That's beautiful... but where did you get it?"

"It was in the gift. But I don't know who it's from." Sofia looked at it like it was somehow the most confusing thing in the world.

Amber set down the dresses next to Sofia and said, "We can figure that out later. You have to decide what to wear to your birthday ball?"

Sofia looked down at the dress one more time and then said, "What if I just wear this? I mean I have to try it on first but, it looks pretty perfect."

Amber looked at the dress and her normal slight scowl faltered into a slight grin, "You are right... Fine. You try it on while I put these back." Amber grabbed the dresses and went back to Sofia's closet.


Sofia had just been dragged around all day by Amber and she had finally finished the last minute preparation and was in her room getting ready.

Sofia heard someone knock on the door, "Can I come in?"

Sofia was a little confused at who it could be but said, "Yes?"

When they came in it was "Elena! You made it!" And then the young queen was tackled in a hug.

When Sofia let Elena go her eyes were immediately drawn to the scepter at Elena's side.

"Is that The Scepter of Light?" Sofia asked in confusion.

Elena looked at Sofia, equally confused, and responded"How do you know what that is? I mean, it is, but how did you know that."

"I'm a protector. We have to keep tabs on powerful magical items. And also, I was studying with Mr. Cedric in Hexly hall when I came across a book on ancient Maruvian artifacts."

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