Chapter 4

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As the book flew down from its shelf Hugo gawked in awe.

Instead of the book being told as normal like Sofia had expected it would, a young royal walked out after the narrators normal voice introduced her. Except she didn't look like a normal royal, she looked almost exactly like Sofia but a lot younger.

"Where am I?" the young royal asked.

"You are in the enchanted library. Who might you be?" Sofia asked her as she walked closer to the princess.

The young princess bowed her head and curtsied, "I am the princess of Galdiz. Or at least, I was before my mother was overthrown."

Sofia and Hugo looked at each-other skeptically.

"I have come to tell you the story of the Queen of Galdiz... The real story." She said this very seriously and the story started to appear on the Magical screen as she dictated.

The beautiful ruler, Queen Emaline, ruled over the kingdom of Galdiz with love and compassion for all her subjects, but she was born to Demons. One day an angelic merchant came to the palace to sell his wares and saw the Queens Demonic appearance. The merchant seemed so kind but it was only a facade, turning against the queen for her demonic ancestry the first chance her got. The merchant and his family had drained her of her magic and the queen had barely enough strength to send me away. The merchant spread rumors of the Queen being an evil witch for she had lived many centuries and was a demon. Those in her kingdom practically worshipped the ground she walked on for all the kind deeds she did and how much she bettered the kingdom over their lifetimes. She was a fair and just ruler but she was naive, which ended up costing her life. I had know as soon as they stepped foot into our palace they meant us ill will but my mother always wanted to see the best in people. Emaline was burned at the stake except she wasn't killed as demons are immortal so after they had had their fun watching her suffer they banished her to a different dimension. I will never know if she is okay. The princess looked close to tears as she remembered the events of her mother's banishment.

Sofia ran to comfort her as the princess broke out into sobs and fell to the floor. Sofia did her best to comfort her until the book she was apart of vanished again and Sofia flew herself and Hugo back to the palace.


Sofia felt something sharp and cold against her back.

"Why hello my dear," Vlasta said in her falsely sweet voice.

"We need to talk." Sofia demanded as she used her enchantlet in an attempt to tie Vlasta's hands together.

"Why should I listen to the descendent of someone who wanted me and my daughter dead?" Vlasta's eyes looked like daggers piercing into Sofia's soul as she pulled a real dagger out of it's sheath, tying to drive it into Sofia's ribs. When she missed she slashed at Sofia's face

Sofia felt the sharp metal slash her face as she ducked backwards from the blow. Sofia pulled out a pair of daggers from somewhere on her person. Vlasta slashed at her againg and Sofia blocked it from doing any real damage with her arm, cutting her arm pretty badly in the process, the blood staining the remnants of her sleeve. Sofia ran at Vlasta and flipped over her as Vlasta aimed for the center of her chest, landing a meter or so behind Vlasta, Sofia threw one of her daggers at the dead center of Vlasta's back as quickly as she possibly could. The fight continued in a blur fists, silver, and blood. Eventually Sofia let her guard down and Vlasta finally landed a propper blow to Sofia's chest creating a lrge, deep, and bloody slash over Sofia's front reacing across her whole torso.  The cut was deep enough that if it wasn't treated very quickly it should have been be fatal, but Sofia continued to fight, barely paying any heed to the cut as adrenaline rushed through her in amounts that would have killed any normal human. 

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