Chapter 2

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It had been two weeks since Sofia's birthday and Hugo giving her the dress. They barley talked during flyer derby and ice dancing the week after the party, which was really awkward because they practice together six out of the seven days a week and now they haven't even seen each other in two weeks. Which was why Hugo was really glad that James had invited him to come over today, maybe he would finally get a chance to talk to her again.

"... hugo huGO HUGO!" Hugo was brought back to reality from a daydream by James yelling and snapping in his face.

"You don't have to yell James." He said as he pushed the snapping fingers out of his face.

"You weren't responding to anything else." James said as moved out of Hugo's personal space, "Anyway, I was wondering if you would be willing to go check the stables to see if Sofia's home and if she wants to hang out with us?"

"Okay." Hugo responded quickly but then paused, "Wait, she is your sister, why are you sending me to go get her?"

James was about to walk out the door when he turned around to say, "I have to go get Zandar, and I am assuming you haven't seen her in a while. I'm sure that you would love to say hi to her after not seeing her for what like two weeks."

Hugo didn't say anything he just nodded and started walking to the royal stables.

He knocked on the door to the stables but after there was no response he opened up the door and walked over to Minumus's stable. 

As he approached the stall he heard a groan come from the floor inside it. Someone said, "What do you want James?"

Hugo opened up the door to the stall and Sofia splayed out across Minimus's stall floor groaning rather loudly.

"You alright Sof?" Hugo said as he kneeled down next to her.

She glared at him through half hooded eyes and said, "Not really. Would you be willing to help me up?"

Hugo held out a hand and tried to help her up but it she ended up groaning and falling forward onto him.

"How about I just carry you?" Hugo asked as he held Sofia up against his chest.

Sofia didn't even answer there was just snoring from her end, "I will take that as a yes." and then he scooped her up bridal style. After a few seconds it set in that his best friend was passed out and hurt. He rushed inside and took her to James's room because as far as he was aware James was the only one home who could help at the moment.

Once he got there he saw Zandar and James playing a board game but they had paused when they saw an unconscious Sofia cradled in Hugo's arms.

"James, is your sister okay?" Zandar asked as Hugo reajusted Sofia and her head lulled toward the boys.

James looked at Zandar and said, "I honestly don't know. I haven't seen her in neerly two weeks," He then redirected his attention to Hugo and said, "Just set her down on my bed for now. If it's bad enough that she needs to get patched up she will want to be awake."

After half an hour the boys were playing board games when Sofia started sturing into half consciousness. 

After about two more minutes Sofia shot up and shouted at the top of her lungs, "I'm up Crysta! I'm up!"

It caught all of the boys attention and after a few seconds of stunned silence James finally said, "Sof. Chill. You are in my room. You are not on the Mystic Isles. And Crysta is very very far away."

"Oh. Uh. Sorry about that." Sofia rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment but winched as she moved her arm, "I should probably head to my room. Sorry if I worried for not calling home James, tell Amber the same thing. Also, sorry Hugo, I probably worried you for not showing up to practice." Sofia tried to get up but her legs gave out instead and she flopped forward onto the cold hard floor, she groaned very loudly as she rolled over to face the ceiling.

When Sofia fell for her best friend.Where stories live. Discover now