Chapter 10

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"Finally!!" Sofia exclaimed as she collapsed on the floor of the protectors headquarters.

Crysta sat down next to her, "It's pretty late, you should probably get home soon."

Sofia sighed, which made all of her hurt, "I guess... Actually, if I don't get back soon Hugo might start freaking out," Sofia stood up slowly.

"What do you mean?" Crysta asked as she stood up to follow Sofia.

Sofia whistled for Sky, "I'm staying at Hugo's tonight," As soon as she said that Sky flew next to her and she flung herself onto his back.


Sky set Sofia on Hugo's balcony before flying back to the isles and Sofia knocked on Hugo's door.

"How did you possibly get there," Hugo said when he answered the door before scooping Sofia up bridal style.

"One of my unicorn friends dropped me off. And you know that you don't have to carry me," Sofia pretended to try and extricate herself from Hugo's grasp, but really did enjoy that he cared.

 Hugo gave her a half hearted glare as he walked into his room, "I saw one of your ribs outside of your rib cage today, and then you rushed off again to do something dangerous. This is the least I have to do."

"Well, I'm glad you care, but I am capable of walking. And I need to go get changed into pajamas," Sofia said before rolling herself out of Hugo's arm's, landing on the floor with a quiet thud before popping back up and walking over to her bag.

"Crap," she muttered to herself as she rummaged through her bag.

Hugo came to stand next to her, "What happened?"

Sofia stood up, "I forgot to bring overnight clothes. Can I borrow some of yours?"

"Ya. I already saw you didn't bring any when you left so I grabbed some out for you," Hugo said before gesturing at a pile of clothes

"Thank you. I should probably stitch up my ribs first though," Sofia said when she looked down to see something protruding from her shirt that looked suspiciously like a rib.

Hugo finally got his brain to focus on other things than flirting with Sofia and noticed that her previously white shirt was now red, "What happened to your shirt?" He asked as tried to suppress the panic in his voice.

"Don't worry, most of it isn't mine," Sofia said before pealing off the dried and bloody shirt leaving her in her sports bra, "Can you help stitch me back up?"

"Ya, I don't think I have anything in here though?" Hugo said as he rushed over to Sofia.

Sofia pulled a needle and thread out of her pocket, "I always have some on me when I go to work."

Hugo grabbed them out of her hand before setting the rib back in place and stitching the wound close, "Why do you have it when you are going to work, you really need to be more careful doll."

Sofia laughed a little and Hugo swatted her for moving, "Doll? Really?"

Hugo ducked his head, staying utterly silent as he finished with the stitches. When he finished Hugo walked over to the pile of clothes he had on his desk and threw them at Sofia. 

Sofia left the clothes on his bed and walked over to Hugo, "I thought it was actually kind of cute... doll."

Hugo scooped Sofia up again and laughed, "Your never going to let it go though are you?"

Sofia laughed before kissed his cheek, "Not until the day I die."

"You're impossible doll," Hugo rolled his eyes before throwing Sofia on his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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