Chapter 9

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They touched down at Hugo's palace and they were ambushed in the stables by Axel.

"Hey! Who's the new friend Hugo?" Axel said as he lurked up behind Hugo and Sofia putting an arm around the two.

"This is my new friend Kendra. Kendra this is Hugo's older brother Axel, he can be a bit of a pain." Sofia said as she brushed Axel's arm off of her.

"I'm a delight. I have no idea what she is on about. Anyway I have to get going to my palace. Andrea is waiting for me." Axel said before going to his horses stall and flying off.

The three walked out of the stable and Kendra pulled Sofia off to the side, "What did alex mean when he said his palace? Doesn't he live here, being the older brother wouldn't he be the heir to the throne or something, right?"

"He got married to the queen of another kingdom, so he doesn't live here anymore." Sofia said as she grabbed Kendra's hand and started dragging her away.

"Where are we going?" Kendra asked as she got dragged away by Sofia.

Sofia dragged Kendra around to the back of the palace, "To my favorite place her. The ice rink."

When they got around to the back Sofia saw King Garrick on the rink.

"Hello King Garrick." Sofia said as she skated out onto the rink.

"Hello Princess Sofia." King Garrick said to her as she skated over to him.

"I heard what you and my father plotted." Sofia said with a cold smile on her face.

King Garrick looked a little bit scared, "If you are going to blame someone blame both of your siblings. they are the ones that put us up to it."

King Garrick then proceed to leave to stay out of Sofia's range of sight incase she decided to murder him for forcing her to marry her best friend, which she had thought about more that once in the past few days.

"Fine." Sofia said before skating over to Kendra and changing Kendra's shoes into skates.

Kendra looked at her skates that used to be shoes, "You know sorcery?"

"Ya. I have been practicing with my kingdoms royal wizard since I moved into the castle. Well half a year-ish after but close enough." Sofia said as she skated back into the rink.

Kendra skated in behind her, "What do you mean 'moved in'?"

"When my mum married my dad we moved into the castle from our house in the village." Sofia said as she started stretching and doing a few smaller dancing moves.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. Anyway what were those tricks you wanted to show me."

They continued to work with Sofia giving Kendra pointers here and there.

"Oh crap. I have to go. Thanks for the pointers by the way." Kendra said before rushing off.

Sofia continued practicing until about ten minutes later when Hugo came outside, "Where did Kendra go Sof?" He asked before he skated toward her.

"She had to go a while ago. What do you need?" Sofia grabbed Hugo's hand.

Hugo looked down at their intertwined hands, and then looked at Sofia in concern, "Is your hand bleeding? Are you okay?"

Sofia looked down at her hand to see that there was blood covering her hand but no sign of a cut, "I must've scraped my hand a little bit ago, I'm fine, I just need to go wash my hand."

"If you say so, anyway dinner is ready." He stated, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Then let's go I'm starving," Sofia skated out of the rink dragging Hugo behind her.

When Sofia fell for her best friend.Where stories live. Discover now