Chapter 3

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The last thing Sofia could remember was going to bed in her room and now she was here, the Corinthian Sports School. Sofua wandered the halls for a few moments before she felt a cold presncce nip at the back of her neck. She started walking faster and faster as the presence kept up with her. Sofia ran faster that she thought was possible as the cold continued to follow her.

She made it to the horse stable after what felt like hours of running but when she finally got there, instead of it being the flying horses it was filled with unicorns. They weren't their normal happy selves. She could tell that whatever had been going around the isles was effecting them to, but didn't figure that out until it was too late. The unicorns charged toward her the sharp tips of their horns pointed toward her. She barley made it out to call Minimus and just as he got their a horn imbedded itself into her leg. She got her leg free and rushed towards the sky on Minumis's back.

After a few minutes Minumis vanished out from under her. As Sofia fell blackened leathery wings sprouted from her back. She shot forward. a deafening bop surrounding her when she did, finally getting away from the murderous unicorns.

As Sofia flew as fast and as far as she could she thought the fairies might be able to help, so she flew to RPA. Once she finally made it there it felt eerie and abandoned. She walked into the school as quietly as she could, she used magic to make herself invisible but it did nothing as the cold presence continued to follow her.

Sofia ran not even knowing were she was going when she got to the RPA flying derby track. But she wasn't her normal self. She was back on her first day of flying derby as Hugo walked up to her.

"Ya know princess, it's not too late to back out." Hugo scoffed at her.

Sofia groaned at her stupidity when she finally realized what was going on, "I am too tired for this."

She tried to put her hand on Hugo's shoulder and he disappeared, which only confirmed her suspicions.

She looked around as saw everything disappear and it was deserted once again. She looked calm on the outside but inside she was terrified to the bone.

"Who are you!" She shouted but it only echoed back at her louder.

The ground gave out beneath her and she landed to see the first ice dancing class after Hugo's first recital. Everyone was swarming around Sofia asking what she could only assume were questions. Hugo had been shunted off to the side as past Sofia tried to get throught the swarm of people to go talk to him. Current Sofia was trying to listen into the questions but all she heard was inaudible murmurs. Once things got a little clearer the floor gave out again.

This time she didn't land in a scene from her past she was in some kind of ruins in the rain. Sofia saw some thing walk towards her as she was trying to get up

Who ever it was leaned down over Sofia and brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face

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Who ever it was leaned down over Sofia and brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face.

"I should have know that my minion couldn't have done anything." the demon grumbled to herself.

When Sofia fell for her best friend.Where stories live. Discover now