Chapter 8

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Sofia finally stopped her work out when her knee gave out and fell off the treadmill. Hugo ran over to her and caught her before she could hit her already damaged head.

Sofia brushed him off, "I'm fine, I've just been putting to much pressure on my joints, I just need to sit down for a bit." 

Hugo didn't look like he entirely believe her but he helped her over to a bench and went back to running on the treadmill. Sofia hadn't properly taken in the gymnasium when she first came here so now she took a moment to look at all the equipment and the overall expansiveness of the whole room, there was the giant running track that they raced on almost half an hour ago, but inside there were; dumbbells, treadmills, leg press machines, exercise bikes, barbells, kettlebells, rowing machines, resistance bands, stability balls, dip bars, power racks, pull-up bars, parallel bars, battle ropes, and almost every other piece of equipment in existence.

This school does not mess around when it comes to physical education, Sofia thought to herself as she took a sip from her water bottle.  

"Hey, you took a pretty bad tumble over there. Are you okay?" Sofia turned her head to see it was Kendra who was talking to her.

"Oh, Hey Kendra. Ya I'm fine. I just need to rest for a bit." Sofia took another sip of water as she tried to rub out the pain out of her knee.

Kendra sat down next to her and took a sip of her own water, "Well then how has your day been going?"

Sofia let out a little chuckle as she remembered reading her letter this morning, "Today has been... Interesting, to say the least.

"Well what exactly is 'interesting'?" Kendra mimicked the way Sofia said interesting as she asked her question.

"Just, my family meddling, me switching schools, showing up a few people in a couple classes, beating up a teacher who I also work with and is one of my closest friends, popped a broken rib that was poking out of my skin back into place, got dragged to the nurse, ya know, the usual things." Sofia said it as if this was a person's normal day.

"Oh ya, just the usual," Kendra said in a humorous tone.

"Well than how was your day?" Sofia asked before chugging the rest of her water bottle.

"My day was fine. I met this really interesting person, who apparently has a very interesting life as well." Kendra stated in a slightly sarcastic but mostly joking tone.

"Oh they sound very interesting. Tell me more?" Sofia asked, humoring Kendra's statment.

"She is also rather flexible. I saw her stretching and wow, I wish I were that flexible, I didn't even know the human body could physically bend like the."

Sofia laughed a little, "Well maybe we could hang out after school sometime? I could show you some of my tricks?"

"Sure! How about after school today?" Kendra asked enthusiastically.

"I have to check with Hugo, but sounds pretty fun." Sofia said before looking at the clock, Oh crap! School is almost over! 

Sofia waved at Hugo and then once she was sure that she had his attention she pointed at the clock and he also panicked. He quickly finished up on the treadmill and ran over.

Once Hugo got over to her he was practically panting and he could barely talk in between his breaths, "Hey Sof, Who is the new friend?" 

Hugo rested his head on Sofia's shoulder, but it was immediately shoved off, "Ew! Get off me your sweaty!" Hugo flicked her. "Oh ya! This is Kendra. She is my new friend and I was wondering if her and I could hang out?"

When Sofia fell for her best friend.Where stories live. Discover now