Chapter 6

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Hugo and Sofia had been practicing on the flyer derby coarse for several hours until Sofia looked at the time and she realized she had to head to her new school to turn in paperwork.

"Crabs! I have to go!" Sofia hopped back on Minimus and flew off.

Hugo walked inside to get ready to go back to school after Sofia just flew off without saying anything else.


Sofia landed in front of CSS and ran to the principals office as fast as her legs could take her, which was pretty fast, "Sorry I am late sir!" Sofia was entirely out of breath when she ran into the office.

"It's fine. Do you have the paper work though?" The principal said as she gestured to a chair for Sofia to sit down.

Sofia set all of the papers down on the desk and she started to look through all of the papers, "It seems to be all in order. Here is your schedule," the principal passed Sofia the paper, "Feel free to go talk to your teachers, or just explore the school until it starts."

"Thank you," Sofia exclaimed as she rushed out of the office to go talk to a few of her teachers.


Hugo landed Electra at CSS and rushed to Derby Class. He finally got to the class with two minutes until it started.

"Hello everyone," Their teacher stated as he came out of the stable and paused for a moment, "There will be a new student joining us today."

Hugo felt fear wash over him, Please don't be Sofia, Please don't be Sofia, Please don't be SofiaHugo thought to himself. Instead of his wish being granted Sofia walked out with Minimus following behind her.

"Shrap," He muttered under his breath.

"Considering Princess Sofia is new she will be trying out to join the team even though tryouts were before the break."

Sofia curtsied in her fancy gown and corset which caused some murmurs when the boys realized she was wearing proper dress instead of a flying outfit. There were even several boys on the team that said a girl shouldn't be trying out. Hugo wanted to yell at them except apparently Sofia had also heard them and she walked over.

"Hello Sir. It's absolutely wonderful to meet you," Sofia held out her hand for the teacher to shake, "My name is Sofia."

She looked around the collective class, not noticing Hugo, and said, "Would you happen to know who the best ridder on the team is?"

He was thrown off by her pleasant demeanor when he had heard she was rather prickly, "Uhhhhh, Ya. That would be Hugo," He said gesturing to Hugo with his thumb.

Hugo glared at Sofia who looked like she was about to say something, "Don't you dare make some snarky remake about it!" He whisper yelled at her as she stepped closer to him.

"I would never do that in front of your friends. I am going to think it though cus it is just a little bit sad that your the best ridder here," Sofia started walking past him and called Minimus to her.

Sofia hopped onto Minimus and trotted to the start of the track. 

Hugo hoped onto Electra and followed her, "You said you wouldn't  make a snarky remark about it! And it's not my fault you are weirdly good at like everything you try!"

Eventually everyone else got to the start of the race track and the whistle was blown. Sofia immediately took a shocking lead and finished the race in only a few minutes.

She was just sitting on a bench eating a snack when Hugo finally finished the track.

Hugo sat down next to her, resting his head on her shoulder, "It's your first day Sof, you couldn't have at least gone a little easier on them?"

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