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Dustin pauses, his compass going wild. "Something's happening."

Eddie gets out of the woods, "Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?"

"I think we're getting close."

"Hey careful! Lake is right there!" Kimberly calls out. 

Eddie hears her and grabs him, "Watch your step big guy."

"Oh man," Steve groans. "You gotta be shitting me."

Eddie said, "Yeah. I thought these woods were familiar."

Robin says, "Lover's Lake."

"This is confounding," Dustin shares a look with Kimberly.

Max asks, "There's a gate in Lover's Lake?"

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening," Nancy said. 

Kimberly nods, "I thought it was mold for awhile. Big enough for a human to crawl through."

"Maybe Vecna's the same way."

Steve says, "Yeah, only one way to find out."

Eddie takes the tarp off the boat.

"Easy-" Steve says and the two put the boat in the water. "I said easy, man."

Eddie shrugs, "Sorry dude."

Steve holds out his hand, "Here you go."

"Yeah, I'm just gonna do that," Robin says using Eddie and Steve's heads to get into the boat. "Thank you."

"Yeah, that works too."

Eddie turns and holds his hand out for Kimberly, she thanks him and hops in. He climbs into the boat after her.

"Good, got her."

Kimberly takes a seat next to Robin.

Eddie holds his hand out, "Wheeler."

"Thanks," Nancy gets in.

Dustin walks up and goes to get in.

"Hey, hey, you trying to sink us?" Eddie stops him. "This thing holds four people, tops, okay?"

Nancy looks back at them, "It's better this way, ok? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble."

"You keep an eye out."

"I can stay-" Kimberly offers.

"No, we need you to fix the motor," Nancy says.

Kimberly sighs and nods.

"It's my goddamn theory," Dustin says.

Robin says, "You heard Nance."

"Who put her in charge?" Dustin points.

"I did."


She takes her bag off and stands up, "I- I have a bad feeling. Something's going to go wrong and we're going to need you out here. I... I don't... I can't have you on the lake. You're not the strongest swimmer and I do not want a repeat of 2nd grade ok?"

Dustin groaned, "I was still learning to swim!"

"Yeah. And now you get spooked every time you go into deep water. Just stay here, ok? Max and Lucas need you. And I need you safe. Please."

Dustin sighed but nodded, "Fine."

"Compass," Nancy holds her hand out.

Dustin groans but gives it to her.

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