❥ Chapter 1 ❥

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~ Jungkook ~

Jungkook unpacked the last box. It was full of plates and silverware.

Jungkook~"Were finally done. Well, I'm finally done. You didn't really help much."

Jin~"What!? I helped a lot!"

Jungkook~"All you did was unload the boxes that had your stuff in them and then you took a nap."

Jin~"To be fair, it's a lot of work being this beautiful. I need at least one nap a day or I'll get slightly uglier!"

Jungkook~"No you won't."

Jin~"Whatever. So, did you see the dude who drove the moving truck? He was so hot! I wish I had asked him for his number."

Jungkook~"Damn, you rreeaallyy want to get laid, don't you?"

Jin~"Hell yeah. Isn't that why you moved?"

Jungkook~"I moved to get away from my homophobic parents. They don't know I'm gay and if I keep avoiding them then they'll never have to know."

Jin~"Oh sweetie, they're gonna know eventually."

Jungkook~"Nuh uh."

Jin~"They're gonna find out one way or another but probably not now. Or at least not at this rate. Your last relationship was in highschool and you just graduated college."

Jungkook~"Yeah. Gays were hard to find in that town. I'm surprised I found someone as gay as you, honestly."

Jin~"Yeah, that town was kinda lacking. Though I did sleep with the quarterback. His girlfriend was so mad! He totally liked it though."

Jungkook~"You're such a whore."

Jin~"Dirty and flirty!"

Jungkook~"I hope our neighbors are nice. Nice, quiet neighbors would be perfect."

Jin~"They better be quiet. I'm gonna be really pissed off if I hear someone getting railed while I'm trying to sleep!"

Jungkook~"The only person who will be getting railed is you."

Jin~"And it better stay that way."

After a few hours, Jungkook and Jin decided to go to bed because it was late. But while they were trying to sleep, they heard loud music and talking coming from their neighbor's apartment.

Jungkook~"Oh my God, how are they so loud?"

Jin~"They better stut the fuck up or I'm gonna throw some hands."

Jungkook~"No, you are not gonna fight anyone."

Jin~"Then you better make them shut up or I will fight someone."

Jungkook~"Fine, I'll nicely ask them to be quiet."

Jungkook got out of bed and walked to the room right next to his. He knocked on the door. A guy with dyed blue hair answered the door.

Tae~"You're just on time for the party!"

Jungkook~"Oh sorry i'm not here for the party. I'm your next door neighbor, my name is Jeon Jungkook, and I came here to ask you to please quiet down a bit. Me and my roommate are trying to sleep and it's really loud here."

Tae~"Oh, well my name is Kim Taehyung and you can call me Tae. And no, we will not be quiet."

Jungkook~"But we're trying to sleep."

Tae~"So? That sounds like a you problem, doesn't it? Just quit being a pussy and deal with it."

Jungkook~"Just please turn the music down. I have my first day of work tomorrow and I need a good night of sleep."

Tae~"No, fuck you! We all have work in the morning but we don't care. So you can either be cool and join the party or you can keep being a little bitch and go back to your apartment."

Jungkook~"The only bitch here is you!"

Tae~"Get the hell out of here!"

Tae pushed Jungkook and then slammed the door. Jungkook angrily walked back into his apartment.

Jin~"Why aren't they quieting down?"

Jungkook~"The dude that lives there is a huge, flaming jackass that's why! When I asked him to please be quiet he said no and he called me a bitch and a pussy and he pushed me and slammed the door in my face!"

Jin~"That jerk! I can't believe we live next to such a jerk!"

Jungkook~"I know right!"

Jin~"I guess we'll just have to try to sleep through all the noise."


They both tried to go to sleep but Jungkook kept thinking about his neighbor, Tae. His thoughts paired with all the loud noise made him only get about 1 hour of sleep that night.

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