❥ Chapter 8 ❥

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~ Namjoon ~

Namjoon was walking to Jiho's apartment. He lived in an apartment building about 2 blocks away from Namjoon's. Once he got there he knocked on the door and Jiho answered.

Jiho~"Hi baby, come in!"

Namjoon went into his apartment. They hugged and kissed.

Jiho~"I missed you so much!"

Namjoon~"I missed you too!"

Jiho~"Put your bags in my room and then let's sit on the couch and catch up. It's been two weeks since we've seen each other!"


Namjoon went into Jiho's room and put his bag down. Then he went back to the living room and sat on the couch with Jiho.

Namjoon~"So what's up with you lately?"

Jiho~"Oh, my editor is looking over my latest book right now. So far, they said that they love it!'

Namjoon~"So Sylvia liked it?"

Joho~"Oh no, it's not Sylvia. I changed editors. My new editor is named Skye."

Namjoon~"Oh, that's nice. Continue."

Jiho~"So, Skye said that they love it so far but they don't really know how the story will continue. They're only halfway through my story so they have no idea about the big twist yet."

Namjoon~"What's the big twist?"

Jiho~"It turns out that the main character's crush is actually his long lost brother!"

Namjoon~"Oh my God!"

Jiho~"I know right!"

If you guys couldn't already tell, Jiho is an author. He's published 2 books and this one was going to be his third. Namjoon was very proud of how successful Jiho was becoming.

Jiho~"So what's new with you?"

Namjoon~"Well, there's this new student in my class. It turns out that he lives in the apartment right next to mine."

Jiho~"Oh, that's an odd coincidence! What's his name? Do you like him? Is he nice?"

Namjoon~"His name is Seokjin and he's very nice. He's more like a friend than a student to me, actually."

"But to people who are 'friends' pin each other to the wall and kiss?" Namjoon thought.

Jiho~"That's amazing!"

Namjoon~"Yeah! I'm actually going to be tutoring him on Wednesday."

Jiho~"Oh, he needs extra help?"

Namjoon~"No, this is his last year in college and he needs to pass. He said he isn't very good at chemistry and he asked if I could tutor him to make sure he wouldn't fail."

Jiho~"Oh ok, he seems like a very nice guy. You two are pretty close in age too!"


Jiho~"I'm glad you're making more friends, babe. You're pretty shy so a new friend is always good."

Namjoon~"Yeah, he's a great friend..."

Namjoon didn't like keeping his feelings from Jiho. He always told Jiho everything and Jiho always told him everything too. But should he really tell His own boyfriend that he kissed his student? Would it really be ok to tell his lover that he was in love with another? Namjoon just wanted to stop feeling so guilty. But whenever he was with Jin, he didn't feel guilty. He just felt amazing. Maybe he should go see Jin soon?

Jiho~"I'm gonna get ready for bed. It's getting late so you should do the same."

Namjoon got up and he and Jiho got ready for bed together. Then they got in bed and they cuddled as they fell asleep together.

Behind The Scenes ~Taekook and Namjin~Where stories live. Discover now