Skims event

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To Luke
I'm getting ready now we need to leave for about 7 so if you could come to mine for about 6:30?

From Luke
Okay, what should I wear?

To Luke
Just wear one of your silk shirts or something

Gabriela's anxiety was through the roof right now. She hates events where she has to socialise with new people and where paparazzi will be present. She's secretly grateful Luke is being forced to accompany her tonight so she knows at least one person at the party. She had been getting her hair and makeup done for the past 2 hours which was just making her more and more anxious. She took her phone out her pocket. After a few rings he picked up "Hello?"

"Are you ready?" She asked "Yeah is 6:30 still okay?" He was wondering why she was calling as it was only 5:45 "No can you please come now" Her voice sounded shaky "Are you okay Gabs?" He was confused by her nervousness, the Gabriela he knew was extremely extroverted and confident "I'm fine I'm just a bit anxious" She wasn't sure why she had rang him but there was a small part of her that was longing for his comfort "Okay I'm leaving now I'll be about 20 minutes"

In those 20 minutes the girl had shed a few tears and ruined her mascara making her makeup artist mad which resulted in more tears. The interaction was interrupted by a knock at the door to which she flew out of her seat to answer. Before Luke could even speak she had launched her arms around him and began sobbing. "Gabs hey what's wrong?" He didn't hesitate to pull her further into him and step into her house. "I don't want to go"

Just being in his embrace was enough to slighly calm her down "Why not? You used to love going to events and things" He let go of her and tucked her hair behind her ears gently "I hate it now Lu it makes me so scared" Her confession makes him frown "You don't have to be scared when I'm with you Gabs I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you"

"There's just so many people I don't know and the paps all shout at me, it makes me so anxious. Now I've ruined my makeup and my makeup artist is so mad at me I just fucking ruin everything" He held her face in his hands as her lips began to quiver "Please don't cry G I don't like seeing you cry. I'll come sit with you and I won't leave I promise"

She nodded and took the boy into her dressing room. Somehow she managed to stop crying and was ready for the makeup artist to start again. She was shocked when Luke sat down in the chair first and placed her on his lap, securing her in place by wrapping his arms around her waist. She didn't mind at all, infact it was just a reminder of what it used to be like when they were together. She would be lying if she said she hadn't missed him.

Once her makeup was finished, Luke stepped out of the room so she could change into her dress. She looked good and she knew she looked good. The skims dress was comfortable but tight enough to show off her hips perfectly. She was adding jewellery to her look when Luke re entered the room "Wow Gabriela you look stunning" she shyly giggled and picked up her necklace "Would you mind?" She gestured at the necklace which Luke helped her put on "Do you remember when I got you this?" He asked her "Of course, our anniversary in Paris" The smile on her face dropped as soon as she remembered what happened a few months after their 2 year anniversary trip.

"Gabriela I'm sorry" He noticed her face change and knew exactly what she was thinking "I still don't get it Luke and I will never understand or forgive you" she spat rather coldly before leaving her dressing room and heading downstairs "Are you seriously going to hold this against me forever? I fucked up, I know that but can't you just get over it?"

"If I had it my way you wouldn't be in my life again. You're here because we signed a contract not out of choice. And no, I will never fucking get over it Luke. You fucked my best friend in our bed, imagine if I had sex with Cal and you walked in to see it. Would you just get over that?" She shouted "Well no but that's different because I know Cal wouldn't do that to me so that would never happen"

"Seriously fuck you Luke I forgot how much of an asshole you turned into. I seriously forgot why I hate you for a few hours thanks for reminding me" She went to storm away from him but he pulled her back by her wrist "If you hate me so much then what was today all about? Calling me because you need me, crying to me and acting like everything is fine? If you fucking hate me so much then don't pull shit like this, call someone else to deal with your shit"

Gabriela's manager Dean had now arrived at her house "What is all the shouting about?" Gabriela forced herself to take her eyes off Luke and turn towards the man "Nothing, it was about nothing. Do I look good enough?" Dean inspected the girl for a few moments "You look a bit bloated what have you eaten today?" She gulped "I haven't had anything. Is it bad? Do I look like a whale?" She could feel her anxiety rising again "Just suck in all night I'm sure you'll be fine. You both need to go get in the car out front. Now I don't care how you feel about each other right now because tonight you need to look in love. I want to see smiling and laughing, don't be afraid to be affectionate. Maybe even show some PDA, we want to see you in the headlines tomorrow okay?"

He walked the two out the door and guided them to the car taking them to the event. They sat in the back still thinking about their fight "You don't look like a whale Gabs, you look stunning" She scoffed at his compliment "No he's right, I look bloated and horrible I shouldn't have had pasta last night I knew I had an event tonight" Luke frowned at her words. His Gabriela didn't care about what anyone else thought, she would eat whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. She loved her food, they went on many dates to different restaurants to try all sorts of cuisines.

"I'm sorry about before, you can always call me when you need someone" For the first time during the car journey she looked him in the eyes "I promise you Luke, you don't need to worry about me calling you anymore because it won't happen. This is fake, it's all fake. I will be around you to go to events and post pictures that's it. You ruined me and I genuinely want nothing to do with you. My Lu doesn't exist anymore he disappeared when you cheated on me. I'm not in love with you anymore and I never will be so quit this kind and caring act yeah?"

He was taken aback by her hateful words. He knew things weren't good between them but he never expected her to be so harsh. He thought this would have been a good opportunity to get her back and try to work on rebuilding the bridges that he has burned. "Okay if you want to be like that it's fine by me. I know where I stand now"

As soon as they stepped out of the car a group of flashing cameras surrounded them. Luke connected their hands as he led them to the entrance, both of them ignoring questions shouted their way but smiling for the photos. "So is this just a fancy party?" Luke didnt actually know what the event was tonight "Yeah, most of us just have to show up wearing skims so it promotes it on socials and stuff. Kaia should be here somewhere you should probably meet her she's my best friend"

As if on que, Kaia appears out of no where and instantly throws her arms around Gabriela "I've missed you G, haven't seen you in like 2 days. So this is Luke huh?" She narrows her gaze at him as she stares into his soul "Okay he is as gorgeous as you said he is" Gabriela jabs her elbow into the brunettes ribs "Shut up right now. Luke this is Kaia, Kai this is Luke" Luke chuckles and smirks down at Gabriela who has now gone red from Kaia's brutal honesty. "Nice to meet you, glad I live up to your expectations"

"I'm going to go and talk to Kendal and Bella, you coming?" Gabriela rapidly shook her head no at the question "Okay G I'll see you later" Kaia departs leaving the "couple" to awkwardly look at each other "So you've talked about me?" She rolls her eyes at him "Acting like you don't write songs about me" He can't even deny it because he knows it's true "You've got me there Gabs however I will never tell you which songs are about you" They made their way towards the event photographer to get some pictures "I mean I could probably take an educated guess since I was apart of our relationship" He raises his eyebrows at her "Take your guess but I won't confirm or deny" She lightly chuckles at him "Always so mysterious Luke but I would say moving along and more are 100% about me and maybe even want you back but that could be pushing it"

He stares at the smug look on her face, he knows she's right but he would never tell her that "Wait so you still listen to our music? Thought you would've stopped" she shook her head at him "I will always be your number 1 fan whether we're on good terms or not" They stood together on the mini Red carpet for the photographer. Luke had his arm wrapped around her waist as she stood infront of him with her hand resting on his. It made her feel many conflicting emotions. Luke was familiar and comfortable but he was also so different at the same time. She loved being close to him, he gave her butterflies and still made her as nervous as when they first met. Nobody has ever made her feel the way he does.

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