3 | The Elegant Kiss

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Who walks among the fuzziness?
I'm sleepy as a Persian cat
Who can remember any less?
Throw in the royal hat.

I'll open the door, a new one
Never existed, ever before
Afloat and through, a translucent swan
My body has gone too sore.

The bus was stopped before the station
Never meant to hit the miles
Forgotten, why, I'm a nation
Revolt within has taken my smiles.

Hallucinations mine are too covert,
Brief, optic and a sight to see.
When the soul split and freely hovered
They called me names and vegetative.

Reprimand for all that's free
Hold me down, honestly.
Hair losses are so easy
Now that hair grows so glossily.

Even the longest blink yielded no different
Point me to the righteous section
I stay, to some, ironically reverent
Others feigned a bare affection.

Woken up by a forgotten kiss
I drew a conclusion, essentially
That I am no match for bliss
Empirical nor rationally.

~ Ithmam Hami, 17th July, 2023, 5.30 am


"The Elegant Kiss" follows the same formulaic poetry-writing strategy I used to write "Sleepy Master"- as placed right before this page- but with even stronger deliberation and dedication. "Sleepy Master" was a sudden decision taken in the middle of the day in a bank; whereas "The Elegant Kiss"- was produced in a more controlled environment at dawn when I normally go to sleep. It involved sleep disruption in a regular interval which I believe shouldn't be recommended for anyone when it's naturally the sleep-time. But that morning, I was ready to see where hypnagogia can take me. And honestly, I was not surprised.

Every verse that's been written here is a resulting depiction of my visuals everytime I shut my eyes. For example, the door in the second verse was what I saw in that split period of time; so was that bus leaving me at the stand.

At the end of the day, whatever came out at the end of my pen at that moment, after each hypnagogic experience, was basically how I interpreted them. So, sure, it's a subjective delineation of how the subconscious of a particular individual functions at a given time, IF ONLY you can catch it.

In fact, while the chronological presentation of the verses in the poem may make no sense to some readers, to me, they recreate that linear experience of one morning I had with my inner demons or callings.

It makes perfect sense to me because I wrote it the way it fit my narrative at the time. The similis, for example, the Persian cat, are drawn from my real-life surroundings- so it's only natural I put this poetic piece around the beginning of my hypnagogic album.

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