1 | Hypnagogia

45 2 0

Bits and flashes behind my eyes
What are you?
Airy blanket over my body tries
To pull you back right through.

I only want to complete you
Make you full and thick
Puzzle pieces do little construe
So many boxes there to tick.

You're all I have now
I'm only living in your fiction
Feels more than real somehow
Infectious conviction.

Give me the story
I know you have a message
I was addicted, history
Don't pour into my rage.

I used to write you down
And ponder upon your colours as sane
Remind me of you round and round
And now I'm thinking straight mundane.

Pity, so very linear
Lost my vision in the sleep
Hypnotizing in ears
Adventure away, wishing cheap.

Vivid dreams in the past
Shape my thoughts and art so fine
Moments die but memories last
Keep my hope still in line.

Ithmam Hami, 24th October, 2022, 06.54 pm


This was probably one of the most plainly written poems I've ever produced. Very topical, direct and thematic. The central idea was based on hypnagogia itself. Here, I converse with the subconscious or rather demand that it reveals itself. The poem ends on a rather optimistic note for such an inquisitive yet unsatisfactory tone.

However, I assure that the poems that follow this lead one will mostly contain metaphorical covertness and darkness about them from here on out. This was just an introduction to the Disconnect.

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