The Lovely Life of Abby Sanders

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You probably know my brother, Matt. Or if you were a fan of his band, you knew him by his stupid little nick name, M. Shadows. I couldn't really make fun of him for that though. He's not the only member of the family whose in a band.

I just kept that part of my life secret. I kept a lot of my life secret. To my family, I was a good daughter, good sister, A plus student.

To my friends and anyone who cared to really know me. I was a rule breaker, a weird kid, a smoker, a partier. Sort of like a double life. Except my personality never changed, it's just that my actions did. But I cared about my friends and family and would never treat them like shit.

I was in the car, with my friends and a few of them being my band mates. "You should like, break up with your boyfriend." My friend Issac said from the driver seat. I had my feet up on the dash, slouched in my seat, notebook in hand working on some songs.

I gave him a look. "And why the fuck would I do that?" I asked him. He shrugged as he continued down the road. "It might switch up the direction of the band." He said. I shook my head. "Issac...our band isn't poppy and isn't about breaking up with people and all that shit. The songs we write are about very very very sultry things and love." I told him.

That was a fact. "Bee is right, Issac." My friend Cassie, who happens to be our bass player, said from the back seat. I nodded. "Yes I am." I said defiantly. "I mean, why is that?" Isaac asked.

I sighed and took my feet off the dash and sat up, handing my pen and notebook to Cassie. "Why is what?" I questioned. "Why just sing about sex, love and shit. Where's the heartbreak?" He questioned. I laughed. "We're a band, of 16-18 year old girls. What the fuck are we supposed to sing about? Unicorns and rainbows?" I joked.

"I didn't mean that." He said. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "I know Issac." I told him. He nodded. "When's your guys next gig? I'm thinking about bringing Sarah." He said.

"You should, you know how long it's been since all eight of us have hung out?" I questioned.

"Eight?" Kate asked, our drummer. I nodded. "Yeah. Issac, Sarah, Allison, Josh, Rebecca, Me, and then you two." I told her. Her eyes went wide. "Since when is Josh back in town?" Kate asked.

He was one of our wilder friends. We haven't seen him in two months, his parents sent him away to boarding school. "Since last week apparently. Said something about his mom and dad getting divorced or something. He's living with his mom." I explained.

"Damn. Bummer. I mean not a bummer that he's back, I mean bummer because of his parents." Cassie stated. I laughed. Issac pulled onto Kates street as I lit a cigarette. "Will Luke be there?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"I have no fucking clue." I admitted. Luke, my boyfriend. As we talked Issac eventually pulled into her driveway. "Band practice tomorrow, Alright!" I yelled as I stuck my head out the window.

She smiled. "Wouldn't miss it." I laughed and we drove off. "Oh my god. Guys." I said as we started driving around town to drop Cassie off. "What?" They asked me confused.

"I have a genius fucking idea." I told them. "And that is?" Issac asked, waiting for me to make my point. I smiled. "Y'know those big ass sleep overs we use to have in elementary-middle school?" I questioned as I turned in my seat to face both Issac and Cassie.

They nodded. "Josh is back, we're all free for a couple days because of spring break..." I trailed off. "Fuck yes." Cassie said. I laughed. "Better go get the rest of the rug rats and pick Kate back up."

Issac smiled and we then began to get all of our friends.

Eventually, we started our way back to my house. It was cramped but we were all laughing and having a grand Ol time. I was sat in the floor board with Josh, Allison, and Rebecca, Sarah and Issac sitting up front and then Cassie and Kate sitting in the back.

When we pulled up to my house and Issac parked on the street, I could hear music. Fuck. We were all laughing. Sarah, Issac, Cassie, and Kate all got out first. Then Josh got out, helping me and then Allison. I laughed.

"I guess the boarding school made you a true gentleman." I joked as I looked at him. He looked at me as we stood in the grass. "Oh yeah Abby?" He challenged I nodded. He smiled and then ran towards me and picked me up and threw my over his shoulder.

"Noooo! Jackass!" I yelled. He laughed and put me down. "Uhm...Abby...your brothers band is here." Allison, our rhythm guitarist said as she looked at the garage. I stopped what I was doing and my smile dropped.

"You have to be shitting me." I said. I sighed and started walking up the driveway, my friends following me. As soon we reached the garage, we stopped.

"Moms not gunna let them all stay over." Matt said. I rolled my eyes. "I don't even know most of the people." He added. I rolled my eyes. "Yes you do. Cassie, Allison, Rebecca, Issac, Josh, and Kate." I said. He shook his head. "Have fun trying to talk mom into letting them stay." He said.

I looked at him and glanced at his band. Brian was staring at me, okay weird. I knew the guys more than I wanted too. "Fuck off." I said as I walked into the house through the garage door.

Mom and Dad decided they could stay, said it was nice to see that all of us were still friends for so long. We made the living room our place.

Mom and Dad left to the store. "So when's your next gig?" Josh asked as he flopped down on the couch. Just he said this the guys came inside too.

"When's whose next gig?" Johnny asked. I looked at my friends and then to the guys. "Velvet Tomorrow." I said. "Sounds dumb." Brian said. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway..."I said turning towards my friends. I started getting nervous and cigarettes usually helped me, sad fact, I didn't have anymore. I smoked one of Kates in the car.

Josh noticed and threw a pack of them at me. I caught them. I smiled and opens the pack, taking one out from the few that were left. Kate then showed up with her lighter as I stuck it in between my lips and inhaled then exhaled as soon it was lit. I threw the pack back at Josh, him catching it.

"Lifesaver, Josh." I said I took another drag. "Since when do you fucking smoke?" Matt asked. My eyes went wide. Fuck. I was stressed and in the moment.

"Uhm. Awhile?" I smiled. I glanced at Brian. I found myself doing that a lot lately. He was staring at me still. I stood there awkwardly, my friends, his friends, Brian and I staring at each other, my cigarette burning.

Well, welcome to the lovely life of Abby's complicated as hell.

(A/N: first chapterrrrrrrrr yay)

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