Walking Through Hell

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It was the day after Luke and I's fight and he and I's break up. I didn't know how to feel about it. Mom and Dad didn't know what was wrong. The guys did, and my friends did.

Now I was okay with my friends knowing, we've been through a lot together over the years. But my brother and his friends? I was waiting for one of them to rub it in my face.

Matt wasn't the type of person to do that, but with the things he's been doing lately, I honestly don't fucking know anymore.

My friends were where ever. After we all hung out last night and I filled them in on what happened, I wanted to be alone. I was in my room, staring at my ceiling. I needed to do something. I wasn't the type of person to let a break up get to me. But it was hard.

I sighed and sat up. I be damned if I feel like shit for another hour. I got up and started rifling around in my closet. I got dressed and opened my door, walking down the hallway.

"Oh look whose finally come out of her room." My mom smiled. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm leaving, I don't know when I'll be back. "You can take my car." My dad said. I thanked him and he gave me the keys.

I walked outside. Matt wasn't here and neither were his friends. I sighed and decided I'd go into town. I needed cigarettes and something to drink. I pulled up to the store and parked the car.

I got out and walked in. I walked to the whiskey first. This was not a beer situation. I grabbed a bottle and walked up to the counter. "Is this all?" The guy asked. I shook my head and asked for a pack of cigarettes.

He got them for me and asked for ID. I handed him my fake one. He didn't ask any questions and let me pay for my stuff. I did and I walked out. As I walking out I ran into someone.

I looked up and saw Brian. My brother and Jimmy, Zacky, and Johnny behind him. "Oh, sorry." I said before it registered in my brain who exactly I ran into. "...oh, it's you." I said to them as I moved out of the way of the door.

They did the same. "What are you doing?" Jimmy asked me. I shrugged. Holding up my purchases. "As of right now? I have no idea. But I have to go to Kate's later." I told him.

"Abigail, what the fuck." Matt said as he pointed to the bottle of whiskey in my hand. I rolled my eyes. "I didn't change, Mathew. I'm who I always was going to be, being an A plus student and fuck what, those are just extra curricular's." I stated.

I heard Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny all let out small chuckles. I glanced at Brian, he was standing closest to me, a smirk on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at the rest of them.

"Now excuse me, I got shit to do." And with that, I walked past them and back to the car.

What the fuck was up with Brian? I got in and sat the bottle in the floor board. I was not going to be drinking and driving.

I went to Kate's house and rang the doorbell. Her mom answered. Telling me she wasn't home. She was at work. I sighed. Guess I'd try the others.

Josh was at his Dad's, Issac was on a date with Sarah, Allison was at bible study, Rebecca was visiting her sister at college, and Cassie was having her alone "meditation" time.

I guess I'd go home. All my friends were fucking busy which was rare as hell, except
For Allison being at bible study. It was an every Thursday occurrence.

I got home and entered the house. I called out for my parents, but they weren't home. I literally threw my hands up and dropped them back to my sides in confusion. "Literally what the fuck?" I said to myself.

I shook my head and walked into my room. I lit a cigarette and opened the whiskey. I took a few sips, it burning my throat. I sighed and put the bottle in my closet.

I stood in the middle of my room and did a three sixty. I grabbed my notebook and headed to the garage. If I was home alone I would've made the best of it.

I walked into the garage and turned on the light. I smiled at the Iron Maiden and Pantera posters that were hung on the wall. I took a stool, grabbed the acoustic guitar that was in there and started playing.

I'd put my emotions towards Luke and all the fuckery that went along with that. I started singing as my thoughts fell from my mouth and my fingers worked on the guitar strings.

Eventually I got bored of singing and just sat there strumming the guitar.

I was sobbing. I fucking hated that I was crying over an asshole like Luke. But I couldn't help it.  I shook my head and decided not to be sad anymore.

I put the acoustic guitar down, picking up one of the two electric ones, slipping the guitar strap over my head and adjusting it so I could actually play, and plugging it into the amp.

I started playing Don't Treat Me Bad by Firehouse. I wasn't sitting down anymore and the music was actually helping my mood as I played the guitar. I was so in the zone I probably wouldn't of heard someone if they spoke to me.

Baby, don't treat me bad.

I closed my eyes as I played and had myself some very needed music me time without my parents, my brother, his friends, or my friends. I needed this.

When the song was done and I stopped playing, I smiled and opened my eyes, they went wide. The garage door was now open.

And standing before me was Matt, Jimmy, Zack, Johnny, and Brian. I didn't move. I watched as they entered the garage. "Get out." Matt said. I gave him a small nod, unplugging the guitar and taking it off.

Brian held his hand out for it. I guess it was his guitar I borrowed. I held the neck of it and handed it to him. I then started walking towards the door to go into the house when I was stopped.

"Wait." Brian said. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around. "What Haner?" I questioned, not in the mood to be criticized by my brother or interrogated by him or his friends.

"What song was that?" He asked. I shrugged. "Don't Treat Me Bad...Firehouse." I told him. He nodded. "Cool." I nodded in response.

"What is up with you?" Matt asked out of nowhere. I turned to look at him. "Who?" I questioned. "You, Abigail." He said, using a voice that either Mom or Dad would have used.

I shrugged. "I've been through some shit recently, and until I figure all my shit out and I'm walking on sunshine or whatever the fuck it is again, I might as well be walking through hell for the time being." I told him truthfully.

I glanced back at Brian and once again saw him already staring at me again. He gave me a small smile like he wanted to say something but he didn't. I then walked into the house.

Things were fucking weird right now.

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