Time Apart

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It was late in the night and we were all still in the living room. "That was close." Kate whispered as the guys left. I nodded. "Why can't you just tell him or your family that your in a band? Or y'know do all the other shit you do?" Rebecca, our lead guitarist asked.

"Because, you all know my brother. I'm like him, except for the fact that my parents see me as an A plus student and someone whose not in a band or get tattoos. I haven't gotten kicked out of school yet. They love my brother, but I just, I don't want to ruin that for them and I don't want everyone else to think I'm just copying Matt, I'm not." I explained.

"Makes sense." Issac said. I nodded. "Anyways, like I was saying, our next gig is the night after we get back to school from spring break." I said.

"Fuck." Allison said. "What's the problem?" Josh asked from the couch. I looked at everyone and sighed, bringing my hand and pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers.

"The first day back is a fucking Monday and, the the gig starts at 5." I explained. "I don't see the problem." Kate shrugged. I looked at her. "Our gig is on Monday after school at 5 pm...three fucking towns over."

"How the fuck are we supposed to pull that off?" Cassie asked. I shrugged. "I don't know alright, I don't know." I admitted.

"We can talk about it at band practice tomorrow." Rebecca suggested. I liked her idea. "Rebecca's right. We can talk about this tomorrow." I said.

"Is Luke gunna be there?" Josh asked. I thought I heard the door open. I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration, not bothering to pay attention to the door.

"Why do all of you hate Luke? He hasn't done anything to you. All I get asked 'is Luke gunna be there'."I say in a mocking voice. "Its fucking annoying. And yes for your information, Luke is gunna be there." I told them, letting out my frustration.

"Whose Luke?" I heard from the kitchen. I turned around and out walked Brian with a beer in his hand. I rolled my eyes. "My boyfriend." I told him as I glanced down at his beer. I looked back at him.

His brown eyes seemed different from all the other times I saw him. Hell, I don't think i ever paid attention to his eye color. I mentally shook away my thoughts. "You aren't even legal." I told him as I crossed my arms.

"So? You've probably never drank a day in your life." Brian challenged. My friends all laughed at that. Not that it was true, but because my friends knew how much I enjoyed drinking.

"What's funny?" Brian asked. I continued to stare at him, my eyes narrowing, a smirk playing across my face. I then took his beer and drank it, handing him back the empty bottle. He looked at me like he was dumbfounded.

My friends lightly hoot and hollered, trying not to wake up my parents.

I shrugged "Sorry, I've never drank a day in my life." I quoted him as I looked at him and walked away. He eventually left, not before staring at me weirdly though.

"Alright, but seriously, I'm fucking tired and I want sleep, so I'm going to sleep." I told them all as I laid down in my spot on the floor.

Eventually I went to sleep.


The next morning,

I woke up and walked to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were in there. "Did you and your friends have fun?" My mom asked as she made breakfast. I nodded. "Yeah, we haven't hung out in awhile." I told them.

"What your plans today?" Dad asked me. I shrugged. "We're spending our time at Allison's later, and then I don't know." I told him. Truthfully, I did know. I was going to go to my boyfriends.

They nodded and eventually everyone else woke up. I went to my room and changed my clothes, walking back to the living room. Matt and his friends weren't there and I didn't care where they were or what they were doing.We then all left, piling into Issacs car again.

We all ended up going separate ways except for me and the band. Issac went to go hang out with Sarah and everyone had different plans. We agreed to meet at my house again later.

We were in Allison's garage, our instruments all set up. "So, what songs are we playing at our gig?" Kate asked. I grabbed my notebook and flipped to a page.

"We can play Silk Sheets, Cars At Midnight, and I'm thinking we add a new song." I explained. "A new song?" Rebecca asked. I nodded. "Nothing Like The Devil." I told them as I showed them what I wrote.

"I dig it." Cassie said. I smiled and then we started working on the song. Eventually it was done. We then continued our band practice.

When we were done, Cassie kindly asked her mom if she could borrow the car to take me "home". She let her take the car. We then started our drive to Luke's.

When Cassie pulled up to his house, I got out and shut my door. "We'll see you later Bee!" She said as she drove off. I laughed.

I walked up to the door and Luke answered. "What the fuck took you so long?" He asked as he let me inside. I explained to him that I had band practice. He was nice to me but of course he had his moments.

We hung out for hours, until we got into a fight. He was shoving the shit I kept at his house into his car. Arguing. "I don't give a shit if you grew up with them or not, your around a bunch of guys all the fucking time." He said.

I didn't say anything. It was no use. Then he told me to get in the car and I did. He drove to my house. Both of us pissed off on the way.

He stopped abruptly in front of my house, hitting the breaks hard. He started yelling at me which led to my yelling at him. I scoffed and got out, he then starting throwing me my shit. A few of my clothes, a few books...they hit the driveway. Thankfully he had the good fucking graces to actually hand me my guitars.

I kept them with him so no one asked me questions. I took them greatly. My acoustic in one hand, my electric in the other. "Oh good, looks like Average Abby has got herself a fucking audience." Luke said. I turned around, saw my brother and his band, in the garage staring at what was happening.

I turned back around and slammed his car door. I'm glad his windows were down. "Y'know, I defended your ass every fucking time my friends talked shit about you. Now your mad at me? Maybe they were right!" I yelled at him.

"We just need time apart." He said. "Time apart? No, Luke. This-me, this is you and I seeing each other for the last fucking time!" I yelled at him. He shook his head. "God you can be a real cunt sometimes." 

He then started driving away. "Fuck you! You fucking small dick wanna be Nikki fucking Sixx!" I yelled loudly after him. I sighed and shook my head, turning back around towards the house.

I watched as my brother and his friends stared at me. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at the driveway where my shit laid scattered. "Fuck." I said sniffling. No Fucking way was I going to cry.

I decided I'd come back for my stuff after I got my guitars safe.

I started my walk up the drive and to the house. As soon as I reached the house and was in the garage, I was bombarded with questions.

"Abby, what the fuck was that? What is this?" Matt asked, motioning to the driveway and to my guitars. I looked him dead in the fucking eyes. "A break up, and a hobby." I said through almost visible tears.

My friends were right. I got to my room and put my guitars on my bed, going back to the driveway to get the rest of my shit.

I found Brian, Zack, and Jimmy picking it up for me. Matt seemed to disappear. "You didn't have to do that." I told them. Brian stood up, handing me a few of the books and one of my jackets. "Nonsense, it seemed fucking intense." He stated.

I smiled a small smile as I stared at him. "We're just...taking some time apart." I said as my smile dropped.

"Sucks." He said. I nodded. "Yeah...it does." We stared at each other, something changed, I just don't know what.

I don't know what's happening.

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