Double Life

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I watched as Josh sat down and I was about to sit at the booth that my band was at but Kate turned me around and pushed me to Josh's booth instead. "What is happening?" I questioned." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You and Josh, there's something there." She said in my ear. And then she walked back to the band. I sat across from Josh. "That wasn't weird." He said as I sat down.

"Definitely...wasn't weird." I responded. He smiled at me. "Well, I'm glad your sitting with me any how." He said. I nodded. "Honestly? So am I." I admitted.

We eventually ordered our food. "I need a cigarette, let me know when foods here, yeah?" I asked Josh. He nodded as he handed me his lighter. "Most likely don't have your own." He said as I took it.

I smiled as I got up. I stopped by where he was sitting. "And you'd be right about that, Josh." I said before I kissed his cheek and continued my way outside.

I didn't know it had started to rain, so I stood under the lip of the roof as I lit my cigarette.

I was in my own world. Thinking about the band, thinking about Josh and I, and unfortunately, thinking about how I saw my brother and his friends watching me and my band play.

I was forced out of my thoughts when I heard several footsteps and then quite a forceful tap on my fucking shoulder. I looked up and saw Matt, along with Brian, Zack, Johnny, and Jimmy.

I rolled my eyes. "Abigail, what the hell?" Matt questioned. He had no right to be angry. "What do you want, Matt?" I asked as I took another drag from my cigarette.

"Since when the fuck are you in a band?" He questioned. I smiled. "I think about 8th grade?" I admitted. "You kept a lot of fucking shit from mom, dad, and I. What else have you been hiding?" He questioned.

"Does it really fucking matter, Matt? You of all people should be understanding about this shit!" I said as I stubbed out my cigarette and walked into the rain, trying to get away from my dickhead brother.

"You've basically been living a double fucking life!" He said as he followed me along with his friends. I scoffed. "Oh please fucking save this shit. I'd expect this from mom and dad but never you. You got kicked out of school. I didn't. I had to remain mom and dads perfect fucking daughter so yeah, I have a double life, because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to be my fucking self!" I yelled at him.

"Face it, Matt, my friends and I-Velvet Tomorrow, we're just trying to do the same thing you idiots are, make it. And I don't think it's the end of the fucking world if I did and do keep a few secrets from you or mom and dad." I said no longer yelling.

"Well." He said. That's all he said before he walked into the diner, everyone except for Brian following him. "What do you want, Haner?" I questioned. "Listen. I know that you and Matt have been fighting, and I just want yo let you know Abby, that I understand why you kept everything from him, form your parents." He said.

"Okay...thanks?" I asked, the rain coming down a little harder now. "Also, holy shit, you can play!"  He said. I laughed, feeling a little better at the situation as he said that.

"Did you write that guitar solo, in the second song?" He questioned. I looked at him. "I wrote all of our songs mostly, but I wrote the guitar solo in Fuck Yeah on a whim, when I was hungover as shit, and a tad bit high from when I accidentally interrupted Cassie's 'meditation time'." I admitted.

That day was a weird day.

He smiled. "Never change, Abby, fucking ever." I nodded and started walking back to the diner. "Wait!" He called after me. I turned around and looked at him. "What?" I questioned confused. "I just-" he started.

"What, Brian, I'm fucking starving." I stated. He licked his lips and stared at me. I stared back, unsure of what he was going to do. Before I could turn back around or ask what his deal was, Brian had closed the space between us and kissed me.

He had both hands on either side of my head. What the hell was fucking happening?

After what seemed like decades, we pulled apart and stared at each other. Brian then walked into the diner, leaving me confused, my lips sore, and my heart racing, in the rain.

I furrowed my eyebrows as slowly walked back inside. When I entered I glanced at the table Brian, my brother and their friends were at. I glanced at Brian, catching him glancing at me.

I then looked towards Josh as I walked over the booth and sat down. "You okay?" He asked as I sat down. I nodded slowly with my eyebrows furrowed. "You ever have one of those 'what the fuck just happened' moments?" I asked him as I looked at him.

He nodded. "Your brother and his friends?" He asked nodding his head to where they sat. I turned my head in that direction and looked directly at Brian again on accident. I turned back around and sighed. "Something like that." I said just above a whisper.

Eventually our food came. I was resting my head on my hand as I ate. "Are you okay?" Josh asked again. I thought for a minute and nodded as I sat my hand down on the table. He grabbed it gently. "Here if you wanna talk." He said.

I smiled a small smile. Brian, what the fuck was up with that?.


Abby had no idea at that moment that Brian kissing her would unlock so much emotion and love she had towards him. And, Brian and Abby had no idea that they were about to go years without seeing or hearing from one another.

Last moment together was that kiss. The kiss that seemed to start it all, and the kiss that seemed to merge Abby's double life into one.

(A/N: finally a new chapter I apologize if I made you wait a long as time, happy reading:) -Jaimie 🤙🦆

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