Chapter Twenty-six

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(On the eastern bank of the Thermodon River, Anatolia, Turkey, 1246 BCE)

Thirty-three centuries before, and almost directly on the other side of the world, Penthesilea, now a young woman of eighteen years entered a clearing on her horse. She carried across her shoulder a sturdy and tightly strung bow. Hanging from her horse's neck was a leather quiver of bronze-tipped arrows, the points sharp enough to cut flesh like a knife. Her hand-woven clothing was gathered tightly at her waist, draped over one shoulder, and fell loosely about her breasts.

This light garment, the color of sun-bleached river stones was tied just above her hips by an ornate belt of twisted leather and decorated by green and black beads. Two tattoos, one on each upper arm, were now sported for individual ornamentation on Penthesilea's body-both of lionesses the size of her hand. On the left upper arm, seen as she held her bow outstretched, the fierce cat was incised with great detail. It was crouched and ready to pounce. On her right arm, with which she drew the bow string and deadly arrows backwards, the tattoo of the creature was caught in a sleek, mid-air leap-poised to release all its agile strength in an air-born arch.

Being now an adult in the clan of Daughters of the Moon,, Penthesilea's legs were bare but kept warm against the coarse winter fur of her horse's flanks. Her own hair, a sun-streaked brown, long and straight, flashed across her tanned face in the constant wind. It was a noble face, armed with serious blue-gray eyes, yet it was counterbalanced with a sensually expressive and inviting mouth.

Her 'Sisters' had remarked that since her childhood this enigmatic look always seemed on the verge of smile. And for one who could be so forceful and swift in battle, her voice was surprisingly soft and subdued. This paradox only commanded more respect among the other women and girls and brought unsought endearment from all her 'Sisters.' They would listen intently as she spoke of strategies for battle or addressed all the females on other issues more sensitively.

These Amazon women, within a few short years, had come to honor their new queen sufficiently to support her unquestionably, and if necessary, and customary, were prepared to lay down their life for her. Above Penthesilea's brow on this day, she wore a delicate, thin band of solid gold-a rare ornament among the others, subtly designating her royal position in the tribe.

On a slight precipice this regal Amazon brought her horse 'Laika' to a motionless position, while both horse and rider listened for sounds beyond the periphery of the rocks and trees below. She was comfortably alone, but alert, clutching the bone handle of a bronze war sword given her by her mother, and her mother before her. Her grandmother had taken it as a trophy of battle from a dead Mycenaean warrior during a tragic battle they would call the "Rape of Antiope." This heavy weapon hung securely fastened in its sheath around her mount's neck, the leatherwork decorated in black predator birds. It was ever-ready to be employed, as her years of training and some seven separate and lethal battle experiences had already proven.

Penthesilea had ridden out that morning on a recognizance journey to pinpoint the progress of the enemy-a group of Proto-Cimmerian men whom they had rebuffed twice before in previous attempted raids. Both she and the animal she depended upon could smell that this foe had been there, passing through the meadow earlier. Her own nostrils flared slightly as she detected the subtle yet disgusting scent in the air. It was a dreaded odor she had been taught to avoid-a distinctive smell which accompanied raids in the dark of night. Such assaults, if not successfully rebuffed, could include the capture, rape, and death of any number of her 'Sisters.' That distinctive scent was the smell of men.

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It was nearly ten-thirty in the evening when an exhausted Nicasio arrived at Daniela's parent's house in the City. He had only called her once in route and she seemed only mildly anxious to see him that night. When she met him at the double front doors, after passing through the electronic security gate, she embraced him coolly, but did not look directly into his eyes.

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