•Chapter 10•

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I'm awful I know!! Life is so busy and to be honest it has been that long since I have updated this story that I kind of forgot where I wanted it to go so I'm pretty much going into this with no plans at the moment but I thought you guys deserved an update so..

Back onto Charlie and storms story...


Charlie's POV

It was incredible watching his eyes change and his wolf take over. I've seen it many times before but there was something about him that made it so much more intense. His eyes turned into a mix of brown and golds flecks and although I know I should feel scared I don't.. I feel at home.

"Hello mate" I hold my breath at his voice, it radiates so much power and authority that it makes my insides tremble not in fear but excitement, I've never felt this way before.

"H-hi" I mutter to him sounding pathetic.

"Are you afraid?" He asks I look up thinking he would be annoyed but instead his eyes hold curiosity and.. confusion. "I d-don't think s-so" his eyes close for a moment and I'm sure I've insulted him, I start biting my lip, a habit I managed to pick up when I get nervous.

"I couldn't hurt you if I tried, we have waited a very long time for you. Storm had given up hope in believing we had a mate, in believing we deserved a mate. You are precious, you are everything, perhaps one day you will feel that way about us and yourself" my eyes shoot up in shock, his face holds nothing but sincerity and I feel my heart pounding.

"I'm aware of the stories surrounding us and I will not deny them for most of them are true, however the one thing they have wrong is about us not having a heart. We protect our own and although our methods aren't the most humane we can love, we have just forgotten how. For as long as I can remember loneliness has been something felt everyday and the moment we laid eyes on you it was gone and a warm feeling came that I thought had long gone. You do not need to be afraid here, you are our mate and you will never be lonely" a hand reaches out and wipes away tears I didn't realise had started spilling.

"You are precious and I understand you may not feel comfortable speaking right now I just wanted to make sure you knew where you stand and that you are safe." His eyes close and when they open I see the silver return meaning that storm is back.

I'm rendered speechless as it has been a very long time since anyone had told me something so.. loving. I don't even know how to begin to process what he said as I know it's not true, I'm not precious and I deserve to be alone, I bring nothing but shame and pain to anyone who gets close. Storm is a powerful alpha and he doesn't need someone so weak and pathetic to pretend to try and be his equal. He needs someone who can protect themselves and others. I will only bring shame upon him and his pack.

Charlie you know that is not true, we have, you have survived on your own for so long and we are okay, we made it, it's okay to be happy you have never once brought shame upon anyone. They treated us wrong, they did us wrong and we didn't deserve that. Alfie stops my train of thought and I've never heard him sound so confident and so sure of anything.

"Charlie?" Storm questions looking at me and there's a glint in his eyes that I can't quite figure out.

"I-I hate how you make me feel" I watch as his eyebrows furrow and his eyes squint slightly like he is trying to work out what I'm thinking.

"And why is that?" His voice seems tense like he's trying to hide his emotions.

"I-I feel like I could belong, a-and I can't, I can't be happy" I cast my eyes down and sigh why am I always so pathetic.

"You can't or you won't?" He questions.

"There is a huge difference, see I think that it's not that you can't be happy because everybody, even the coldest or the saddest people can feel happiness and I doubt your an exception Charlie. You won't let yourself be happy, and if there's something I've learnt it's that nobody is going to change your life for you, if you want things to change you need to take the first step. It's your life Charlie no one else's, you're in control" I tense up when his hand touched mine and it doesn't take long for me to relax. I curl my fingers round his and his hands are so rough yet so very gentle.

I look him in eyes and he's staring at me so intently it almost takes my breath away, his other hand slowly makes it's way to my face like he's waiting for me to stop him, finally the warmth of his hand makes me close my eyes, not in fear or pain in comfort.

I feel safe.

I look at him again and I can tell that he feels unsure or that he's thinking about something and it makes me nervous, is he finally realising he's made a mistake?

"Can I kiss you?" I'm surprised and completely caught off guard at his question. He's the most feared alpha in the world, he kills whoever he wants, he takes whatever he wants and no one dares try and stop him, yet he's asking for my permission.

Is this really okay? Do I deserve to be happy?

Stop thinking and do what you want to do

His hand starts to drop from my face, "forgive me I seemed to have over stepp-"

"Y-yes" I bite my lip and a slight growl comes from him, both his hands cup my cheeks and he lifts my head to look at him and I see desire. He slowly brings his lips to mine and when they finally meet it feels like there's hundreds of butterflies in my stomach, the kiss is slow, gentle and I can tell he is holding back to not scare me. I start to move my own lips and it feels like forever, like time has stopped in this one moment and I never want it to end.

He pulls back and rests his forehead against mine, his eyes are closed and he just looks content. He brings his head down to the crook of my neck. "I'm barely holding myself back right now" he whispers and his breath makes me shiver.

"I'm sorry" I whisper back.

"Don't be, however I'd really like to kiss you again, would that be okay?" He breath still tickles my neck and without thinking I say yes.

So he does.


Unknown POV

I grit my teeth in anger, it makes me sick watching them. I had made sure that Charlie would feel isolated and unloved so that when the time was right I could be the one to give him what he'd wanted to feel.

Then comes Storm.

Stupid, arrogant, selfish and pathetic alpha taking what isn't his to take. I will not have my hard work wasted on him.

Charlie is and will forever be mine.

At my mercy.



So... I wonder who it is...

Again guys I just want to say thank you for your patience over the years and I truly hope that we can get Charlie and storms story going again!!





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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