•Chapter 7•

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What's everyone's favourite TV show?

Mines Supernatural hands down. Teen wolf is not far off though..

Surprise.. another chapter...

Charlie's POV

"Mommy!!" I scream while giggling like a fool as I run into my mommy's arms. "Don't run so fast baby your going to hurt yourself" She tells me sternly while flicking my forehead. "Meany" I whine while pouting making her smile.

I like it when mommy smiles it makes me want to smile too. Also my mommy is really really pretty when she smiles. I want to be like mommy when I'm older but I'm a boy so I can't.

"Charlie baby, come meet a friend of mine" I grab mommy's hand and follow her into the place where I get food.

I really like that place.

When we get there I see a tall man, who looks really scary. Like the scary things that hide under your bed. "This is Valentino, he's mommy's special friend" I walk up to him and hold out my hand and with a big smile I tell him "I'm Charlie, I'll be your special friend too".

He grabs my hand and shakes it while introducing himself. "I'm Valentino" Silly billy. I already knew that. He suddenly picks me up making me scream in shock. "I'm sure we are going to be very good friends" He tells me while kissing my cheek. Eww cooties. Or do you only get that off of girls? Well not off of mommy at least. I think.


It's been a year I think since Valentino started living with me and mommy and he's really nice to me. He buys me lots of chocolate and even sneaks lollipops behind mommy's back. Although I can't share a bed with mommy anymore with is sad because her cuddles made me sleep really fast, but instead Valentino said he'd read me bedtime stories.

"...and they all lived happily ever after" he said while closing the book.

"Do happily ever afters really happen? Like am I going to marry some princess? Become a prince?" I ask Valentino. I really want to marry a pretty princess and have lots and lots of babies.

"I think you can do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want as long as it's done the right way" he tells me after a few minutes of silence.

"The right way?" I ask him confused. "Yes. For example, if you wanted to become a king, but the quickest way to do it was to get rid of the current one, that's a bad way to get what you want. Just remember Charlie no matter what happens to you, just be patient and accept the kindness of others. And never forget that your past is a lesson not a life sentence" he replies confusing me even further.

"What does that mean?" I ask feeling confused and sleepy. He bends down and kisses my forehead."One say you will understand" he whispers while muttering a "good night" then leaving my room.

Adults are confusing.


"Mommy?" I ask as she stands over my bed with blood shot eyes. "Yes?" She answers me. She's doesn't sound like mommy. "When is Valentino coming home?" He hasn't been home in a while and I really miss him.

"You miss him as well?" She's asks me staring it if the window and I just nod.

"Shall we make each other feel better?" Mommy suddenly looks at me climbing onto my bed. Yay I love hugs from mommy I haven't had one in ages.

Mommy climbs on top of me which makes me confused. We have never hugged like this before, mommy is a little heavy. My tummy hurts.

I look at her confused when she takes of my Spider-Man top. Now I'm cold. "Mommy?" I ask with wide eyes when she starts kissing my chest.

I start to feel scared when she takes my trousers off and can feel myself start to cry. "M-mommy I-m sca-scared" I tell her while crying and sniffing. "Shh baby mommy will make you feel all better" she's whispers.

This isn't my mommy.


Valentino left my mother not long after I had turned 7. I'm 10 now and my mother hadn't taken him leaving very well. She's became addicted to alcohol and god knows what else. Since then I've met many of her "special male" friends.

I would hear about them every night when she would come in my room and gain comfort from me that she couldn't then. I realised what my mother was doing to me was wrong when I was 8. I can't blame mad a my mom though. She loves me and this is just a rough patch.

It will get better.

I know it.

I updated again!! So this was a little look into Charlie's past for those who may have been confused. This isn't carried on from the previous chapter. There will be more chapters like this throughout the story. Don't forget to..





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