•Chapter 9•

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Hey guys guess who!! How are you all? Huge apologies for not updating or hearing anything from me for well.. a long time. I'd like to say a huge huge thank you to you all for your support for this story and not giving up on it, honestly means a lot.

To explain my absence, on the 3rd of March my mom passed away which is something I still can't believe and left me heartbroken, then just over a month after my friend had committed suicide again something I couldn't believe. 2019 so far has been a life changing year for me and a heart breaking one so far.

Thought you should all know that I hadn't stopped writing because I couldn't be bothered to update and I've still been reading all your comments and the support and can't thank you all enough.

So no more sob story, chapter 9 for you all..

Charlie's POV

It never got better.

My mom continued to find her love with me and the men she brought home took advantage of the fact they saw what she did and thought it was okay for them to do the same.

I had thought that it was wrong the first time she did it, but I still remember when I saw the breaking news of the TV that a humans parent had been arrested for.. raping their child. It hit me like a huge rock had just fallen into my chest. I remember thinking was what my mommy Was doing to me that bad. Could my mommy end up like those on the TV. I was so scared at the thought of losing her and made sure that I'd protect her at all costs.

And then it stopped.

"Charlie baby come here for a minute" my mommy's voice shouts from upstairs, she sounds a bit scared. Why is mommy scared?

I run up the stairs as fast as my legs will take me managing to trip on nearly every step. When I go into mommy's room she's crying "mommy what's wrong?" I don't like this.

"Charlie baby, I love you to the moon and back, you are my pride and joy and you will grow up to be a strong man with someone who will love you endlessly. I will always love you and I need you to remember that baby, I'm so sorry that I haven't been the best mommy to you and I'm sorry that when you grow up you will know why and what I've done to you is disgusting and I hate myself so much because of it. Baby you need to remember that when you grow up to be big and strong that so no matter what storms get thrown your way you'll be okay. So promise me that you'll be a strong boy for me?" She say to me with water pouring down her face. This is my mommy, I've missed her.

"I promise mommy" I say holding out my pinky finger which she laughs at and starts crying more, she's wraps hers round mine and we both kiss our hands.

"I love you so so much my Charlie" she hugs me tightly, I haven't had a hug like this in so long. "I love you to mommy, to infinity and beyond".

I have my mommy back.

Later that day I found my mom in the bathtub covered in her own blood. Her wrists were cut and she was passed out. I remember screaming and shouting mommy but she never woke up. She was gone.

Mommy had left me alone.

- - - - -

I'd woken up a few hours after my panic attack and the rogue attack, thankfully they'd managed to fend them off and none of the other pack members died, however 3 of the pack warriors did, Storm hasn't really spoke to me since and I know he feels the loss of them, he pretends he doesn't but I know he does.

Alfie won't stop talking about how proud he is we helped Storm and to be honest I can't help feeling a bit of pride, I've never felt that way before, never felt that urge to protect someone the way I did, I mean I did end up passed out and Storm did shout at us but I still did it.

"Morning Charlie" Leo's voice bounces off the walls, he's always really happy in the morning for some reason. "M-morning Leo" I mutter and give him a small smile, I'm still nervous around everyone and mostly around Storm.

It's strange, I feel..safest when I'm with him and when he's around but he makes me feel on edge and nervous when he's around too. "He doesn't want us does he?" I ask Leo and look away when he gives me a look of disbelief. "What do you mean?" The confusion in his voice is evident. "Alpha Storm doesn't want us anymore, it's why he hasn't spoke to us since. I only wanted to help I didn't mean to.."

"Didn't mean to what?" Storms voice cuts through like a knife and my heart pounds hearing it. The effect he has on me is intense and I can feel Alfie purring in my head. "I only w-wanted to h-help, all i could t-think was to protect m-mate" I whisper so quietly I'm surprised he heard.

"You're going to be the death me" he sighs and my arm shoots with tingles as he hand clasps mine " Thank you for trying to protect me, but perhaps try to not be so reckless, I'm an alpha it's my duty to protect my pack and sometimes I will get hurt but mainly as a mate it's my duty to protect you, and when your hurt or run away it affects me too, so if you want to protect me, protect yourself" his hand tightens around mine and I can't help but squeeze back.

"I'm sorry I'll think next time" I look up to him for the first time and notice that he looks tired and worn out. I can't imagine how stressed he is and although he's the big alpha storm, I'm starting to think that despite what people say maybe he's more human than they think.

"Good, I'm starting to think with your recent choices you don't do much of that" it sounded harsh but for some reason I knew it wasn't, there was a lightness in his voice. "I also heard you mention that you thought I didn't want you anymore because we hadn't spoken, when a pack warrior dies there are certain steps that have to be taken regarding the ranking, the warrior themselves and there families. We have to train up new wolves to become warrior standard so that our numbers do not fall. Ensure that there families are looked after and support as it's my duty to protect them and finally make sure the warrior has the service they deserve as they have died fighting and protecting there pack and there is no greater kind of loyalty and I want to make sure they have the best." I take in what Storm tells me and I didn't realise the impact that it has on the pack as I've never really been apart of one.

"So I've made sure that everything that needs to be arranged has been." My insides suddenly feel warmth and I can tell it's pride, I had and have no idea what it takes to be alpha and the true extent of the role. And although not knowing the warriors I can't help but feel the loss too.

"Y-you're a great alpha" I whisper and I know he heard me because his hand tenses as if being told that is a surprise to him. "I do my best and protect what is mine" I look up at him when he says that and his eyes are staring deeply at mine with a look I can't quite figure. I feel my heart race pick up and can't help but feel slightly self conscious and look away.

"Look at me" his voice is demanding but soft, I turn back and look at him. " my wolf would like to meet you, is that okay?"


I know it's kind of short considering how long it's been since I've done a chapter but just want to let you know I am still writing!!!

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