•Chapter 5•

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Picture of Leo.

Any supernatural lovers? Who's your favourite character?

Charlie's POV

I'm scared.

I've been awake for a few hours now and I'm still restraint to this hospital bed and have no idea what is going to happen to me.

I ran away from an alpha that had not killed me yet despite me being a rouge. I had ran away from an alpha that is known to be the most vicious alpha amongst many. I had also ran away from an alpha that is my mate.

Mate won't hurt us Alfie tells me but it does nothing to settle my nerves.

Although I've been awake for a few hours I haven't seen alpha Storm because the doctor said that it wasn't ideal due to me freaking out. He also said that I'm very stupid because of ripping my stitches which caused me to lose more blood therefore extending my stay here.

That's not so bad Alfie says sounding quite content with the idea.

Of course it is. Even if alpha Storm was to accept us his pack won't, besides him and is pack despise rogues I tell him back feeling more nervous than before.

Leo and Clark are part of this block and they didn't hurt us. When they find out who you are to Storm and to them they will accept you Alfie says making my eyes widen slightly due to the confidence and fierceness lacing his voice.

You said the same thing about mom and dad I snap back at him and shut him out so that I can't hear his stupid fantasies.

"Good evening mate" His voice makes me shiver and breaks me away from my thoughts.

I feel my breathing pick up "E-evening alpha Storm" I stutter and make sure that my eyes do not meet his.

"You are very strong" He says which makes my head shoot straight up in complete utter surprise.

"You might be confused as to why I am saying that. Well it's actually very simple, for someone who looks weak you managed to survive an attack from one of my pack warriors who I personally trained, also from what I know about you, you've survived on you own for a very long time, since you were a pup. Many at that time of age survived due to care from a mother and father and you did not. For that you are very strong" I meet his eyes and see nothing but sincerity.

"My mother had something she used to tell me every night before I slept. It's not about the size of the man in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the man." He walks towards me and sits on the chair besides the bed.

"Your mother sounds very wise" I whisper quietly, I know he still heard it though.

"Yes she was" He whispers back. Nothing is said for a few minutes, we just sit in comfortable silence.

"I'm sorry" I say making sure that my voice is sincere.

"For what?" Alpha Storm replies although I'm pretty sure he already knows what I'm apologising for.

"Running away before even giving you or your pack a chance." I look up at him and see a small smile dancing on his lips.

"You are forgiven and I think that you have learnt your lesson" He says sternly the smile gone.

"Also punishment for running away is that you have to deal with dreadful hospital food. I shall see you soon" He says giving me one last look before walking out the door leaving me with a small smile of my own.

The food can't be that bad right?

I apologise for the lack of updates this past month but my phone broke and I don't really like updating on my iPad. Thank for all the votes and comments over the past few weeks it's really has made me want to update. You guys really are amazing!!

How is everyone's holidays going so far? What have people been doing nice?

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