•Chapter 1•

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Picture above is Charlie.

Charlie's POV

I let out a soft whine of disappointment when the rabbit I was hunting disappears. I hadn't eaten in days and I was starving.

It's been like this for years now running around after small animals hoping to get something to eat. It's the life of a rogue and it's a life I don't have much choice in.

Normally you become a rogue because of committing a terrible crime within a pack or you can't handle the loss of a mate so you go crazy.

I did neither of those.

I got kicked out of my pack, The RedMoon Pack, because I'm weak, an embarrassment to them. They had been trying for years to be the strongest pack in the world but they were only the second strongest.

They blamed me for that so I got kicked out.

I whine again when my stomach cramps painfully at the lack of food.

I shake my head and discard the negative thoughts, I shift into my wolf, which is smaller than the average, and curl up into a ball hoping to get some sleep.

My sleep doesn't last long because my ear perk up hearing crunches of leaves. "Rogue" A voice growls at me making me whimper.

I turn my head to see 2 men standing their staring at me, they radiate power making me feel uneasy. I stand up making them growl then put my head between my paws.

A sign of submission.

"Shift" The tallest one orders. I painfully shift into human form shivering as the cold immediately hits my body.

"Name?" He asks me, well more demands.

"C-Charlie M-Miller" I stutter out of fear and coldness. I keep my head low and refuse to look them in the eye. He's just a kid one of them mumbles.

"Why are you on FireStone Pack Territory?" The tall one asks but gentler than before.

FireStone Pack are the strongest and most feared pack in the world. My wolf Alfie whispers in my head.

"I-I didn't K-Know this was P-Pack terri-territory" I shakily mumble.

It's silent after my reply so I risk looking up and see that the tall ones eyes are are black meaning that he is mind linking someone. Probably their alpha.

The alpha of the FireStone Pack is brutal from what I overheard back in my old pack. He's meant to be a absolute monster that will kill anyone who gets on his bad side.

My thoughts are broken by a voice. "My name is Leo and I'm the beta, this is Clark he's the gamma, our alpha wants us to take you to him" Leo tells me while pointing to the man next to him.

I start to shake even more at the idea of being taken to their alpha. "Hey hey calm down" Clark says putting his hands out. I reluctantly stand up and look at them, they both give me reassuring smiles.

Aren't they meant to be really cruel? Alfie's curious voice asks.

"Follow us and don't run" Leo tells me, I slowly follow them feeling really tense and unsure.

Is today the day I die?

Storm's POV

Alpha we've found a rogue My beta tells me through mind link making me growl.

God damn rogues always coming onto my territory. Kill it I tell him back making my wolf, Hunter, let out a whine.

He's never done that before.

Don't kill He growls in my mind making me feel confused, Hunter usually wants rogues dead as much as I do. Leo's voice interrupts my train of thoughts.

His name is Charlie Miller and I don't think he knew he was on our territory. He's just a kid probably 17 or 18. My wolf purrs at hearing his name confusing me further.

Bring him here I snap in response.

I have no idea what the hell is wrong with my wolf but I have learnt from past experiences to trust him on every situation.

It's only 10 minutes later that there's knocking on my office door. "Enter" I shout feeling irritated that their is a rogue in my house.

Leo and Clark walk through the door first bowing there head in respect and following behind them a shaking boy. His head down avoiding all eye contact with anyone.

He doesn't have to look at me to for me to know. Mate mate mate My wolf yells happily in my head making my own eyes widen slightly.

I thought we didn't have one I tell me wolf shocked.

Me too He whispers.

I look at the boy longer still not believing that my mate is right in front of me. I notice that
he's shaking. Mate scared Hunter whispers.

I stand up from behind my desk and make my way to him. "Look at me" I order the boy. He slowly raises his head shaking more, I'm met with soft honey brown eyes. He lets out a small gasp then starts shaking his head furiously making Leo, Clark and myself frown in confusion.

"No no no no no" He continuously mutters. "I-It's not possible" He stutters.

"Charlie?" Leo calls out making my wolf growl out that someone else is talking to mate. Leo gets no reply and I react quick enough to catch him when his eyes roll back and he collapses.

Tingles shoot straight through my body confirming that this boy is in deed my mate. I stare at his face as his lies limp in my arms. His looks so delicate and innocent everything that I am not.

I growl when Leo and Clark attempt to touch my mate. "Alpha?" Clark asks confused.

"He's my mate" I mutter hearing them both take a sharp intake of breath. "Are you sure?" Leo asks me making me growl again in annoyance.

"Of course I'm sure" I snap at him. I walk out of my office with my mate in my arms completely ignoring Leo and Clark and head straight for my bedroom. When I get their I gently place him in the bed and find myself just looking at him.

We have a mate Storm My wolf whispers gently in disbelief.

We have a mate.

So that was chapter 1, how was is it? Was it bad? Let me know and don't forget to vote, comment and follow :)

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