•Chapter 2•

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Picture is of Storm.

Charlie's POV

The ground is never this comfortable.

We're in the FireStone Pack Alfie murmurs sleepily. That makes me jolt straight up and gasp as flashes of what happened before I passed out come to mind.

I look around and I'm amazed at the room before me. Everything looks so expensive. The bed I'm lying on is definitely king sized with black silk sheets. There's a chandelier hanging beautifully from the ceiling. There are portraits of what I think maybe family. The wallpaper and design of the room is very modern but very classic.

"Your awake" Shivers rack my body and Alfie purrs in my mind at the voice.

"P-Please don't k-kill me" I whimper immediately covering my head when I see him walk closer to me. "Why would I kill you?" Curiosity evident in his voice.

"Because I t-trespassed on y-your land" I stutter still avoiding eye contact.

"I would never kill my mate" Authority clear in his tone.

"I'm not y-your mate, I-I can't have o-one" I feel tears start to well up in my eyes. "Charlie you are very much my mate, why is it you think you cannot have one?" He asks me but I don't reply.

"Charlie look at me" He orders making sparks go through my body when he says my name. I shakily bring myself to look at him and my eyes widen at the intensity in his.

"Why is it you think you cannot have a mate?" He repeats his question.

"B-Because I don't deserve o-one" I stutter pathetically.

I see his eyes darken slightly and his voice is deeper. "Why don't you deserve one ?"

"I'm weak and pathetic" I whisper looking away feeling embarrassed. "I don't believe that, no mate of mine will be weak" I jump in surprise when I feel him right behind me.

"I-I would like p-permission to leave a-alpha" His growl shakes the whole building, I automatically whimper and attempt to run but get pulled back into someone's chest by two strong arms. I let out a Yelp from shock and Alfie purrs loudly inside my head.

"You are never leaving me, you will call me Storm not alpha. Am I clear?" His voice is low and dark, I start to shiver in fear which does not go unnoticed. "Please don't fear us" He whisper into my neck.

"S-sorry" I squeak out.

"Alpha?" A voice I recognise as Leo's calls out. I feel Storm tense then let out a huff if what sounds like irritation. "What?!" He shouts back making me unintentionally flinch.

"Food is ready, Charlie needs to eat" Leo shouts through the door. I feel Storm relax again after his oddly sniffs my neck. "Come on, you need to eat" Storm says while pulling me off of his lap making me relax no longer feeling highly threatened.

I shake my head no. "Please, I-I want to go h-home" I whisper making sure that I don't sound disrespectful or that I don't annoy him any further.

"You're a rogue you don't have a home" He says bluntly sounding disgusted when he said the word rogue.

He offers his hand out to me which I shakily take immediately feeling sparks tingle up my arms.

Mate won't hurt us, his wolf is very nice Alfie tells me but it doesn't do anything to calm my nerves.

I'm led down a spiral stair case not quite believing how much money these people must have. Storm squeezes my hand slightly in which I think is reassurance.

Storm's POV

He's so beautiful Hunter says dreamily making me shake my head in amusement. My wolf is the strongest and most feared alive and yet he is acting much like a teenage pup.

But he's so scared of us I grumble back to him feeling annoyed that our mate fears us.

I start to feel Charlie's hand shake in mine and I give it a small squeeze in reassurance.

I've been talking to his wolf Alfie and Storm he is amazing I couldn't ask for a better mate, he did say that Charlie has had a rough life over the past few years though. Hunter tells me making a growl escape my lips which makes Charlie flinch slightly.

We approach the dining area and Charlie suddenly stops. I look back at him already knowing what's wrong. "Please don't m-make me go in t-there" He stutters again making Hunter whine.

"No one is going to hurt you" I tell him, his eyes flash with uncertainty but eventually nods.

I open the door and walk in with Charlie's hand still in mine, he grips my hand tighter making the corners of my lips twitch upwards. I lead him to a stool and sit him down making sure that he is next to me.

I turn to him.

"So tell me about yourself"

How was it? Who do you think should play Leo and Clark? Any ideas? Don't forget to vote, comment and follow :)

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