•Chapter 3•

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Song: What Now Rihanna

Storm's Wolf. 

Charlie's POV

"So tell me about yourself" Storms husky voice asks me making me shift uncomfortably.

"I-I'm not that interesting" I mutter quietly knowing that he would hear anyway.

"Then tell me what makes you uninteresting"I sneak a small look at him and see him staring intensely at me.

I let out an audible gulp. "W-well my name is C-Charlie Miller I'm s-seventeen years old, I'm a r-rouge and have been since I was t-twelve. My favourite colour is blue, I-I like to draw, well last time I could anyway" I finish and look at him and my eyes widen when I see his are black.

"You've been a rouge since you were twelve?" His growl makes the house shake. "Y-yes" I stutter feeling very scared of him at the moment.

"Alpha S-Storm?" I question quietly.

"No my love. I'm Hunter, Storm's wolf. Storm was very angry just like me so he let me take control." He says as he walks over to my shaking form.

"Don't fear us" Hunter whispers while using his thumbs to wipe away the tears I didn't know had fallen, I look up and stare in pitch black eyes. The emotion in his eyes are unreadable like there's some sort of internal debate.

"I-I'm sorry, I fear everyone" I whisper back and lean into the hand that is cupping my cheek.

I don't feel scared.

I feel calm.


"Well we're not everyone" He growls out not in a threatening way though, more of a dominance thing I think.

"W-weres the bathroom?" I stutter breaking whatever moment was currently happening.

"Down the hall to the left, don't take long" Storms voice says meaning his wolf is now not in control.

I practically run to the bathroom and run my hands down my face. Relief washes over me when I see a small window big enough for me to fit through. I stand in the toilet seat and open the window, I jump out of it and land awkwardly on my ankle hearing a crack. I whimper in pain but stand up and start to run. Well run and limp. I don't get very far before howls sound throughout the territory.

I'm a rogue.

I pick up my pace feeling my ankle go numb, only seconds later heavy thumps can be heard behind me making panic.

One moment I running and the next I'm on the floor with a wolfs mouth latched onto the side of my stomach.

I let out a scream of agony.

I risk looking down and see that the side of body is covered in blood making me let out a strangled sob.

"Rouges deserve to die" A harsh voice growls and that's the last thing I remember.

Storm's POV

He's been a rouge since he was pup Hunter growls in my mind.

I know, I wonder why they kicked him out though? Curiosity burning deep in my veins.

He's been in the bathroom a long time Hunter tells me.

A loud scream of pain is what's heard throughout the pack. Leo and Clark immediately run into the room. "Charlie's gone" Leo pants out.

I stand up immediately and run outside to shift into my black wolf Leo and Clark following shortly behind me. I hear another scream but it's fainter.

FIND MATE!! Hunter growls loudly through the mind link. I follow the scent of Charlie and I'm met with the smell of blood.

I run faster when I see a member of my pack on top of Charlie with their teeth latched onto the side of the body.

"Rouges deserve to die" He growls out.

I see red.

I growl and tackle the wolf biting into his neck and rip out the chunk of flesh there killing him immediately. I don't stop though I keep on biting and clawing at the dead wolf until Clark voice snaps me out of my rage.

"Alpha!" Clark's voice shouts sounding panicked.

I turn around and see them both by Charlie's body touching the wound in his stomach trying to stop the bleeding. I run as fast as my paws can take until I reach him.

Hunter whines in my head, I lick the side of his face trying to wake him up but have no success. Get the pack doctor NOW!!! I order through mind link. I shift into human form and take Charlie out of their hold. I put my hand on the wound and its immediately coated in blood.

"WHERES THE DOCTOR?!" I roar at them.

"I'm here" Richard says and drops into his knees beside my mate. I let out a small growl when he goes to touch him but he ignores it. He inspects the wound and starts letting out orders.

"Alpha we need to take him to the infirmary because he's losing blood to fast" I don't ever wait I just grab Charlie and run.

About 2 minutes later we reach the infirmary and I lay him on the metal table. I watch feeling useless and Richard sticks needles into my mate.

"Alpha you need to leave" He tells me .

"No" Hunter growls out.

"I can't do my job properly with you in here. Do you want him to die?" He shouts at me making me snarl from the disrespect. I look down at Charlie's pale form and leave a small kiss on his forehead then walk out allowing Richard to do this job.


4 agonising hours later Richard finally comes out of the room looking exhausted. "Charlie is going to be okay" He tells me. I let out a breath of relief and all tenseness I feel vanishes.

"He's going to be unconscious for a few days because of blood loss and because I gave him a sedative. He's also going to be very weak for the next few weeks so no strenuous activities. I've put  restraints on his arms so when he wakes up if he freaks out his can't hurt himself also because he ran away" He finishes. I nod my head as a thanks which he returns with a small smile.

I walk past him and into the room and see Charlie lying there pale making me feel something I haven't felt in a very long time.


For someone else other than me.

I barley know the kid but he's going to be the death of me.

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