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June 4th 1944,

James was writing to his parents, *Mother and Father, I have been training. Well more often, I feel that something big is happening, we even left base just a few days ago on a ship to a beach that I am not supposed to know about. 

So now it could be any day when I fight, don't worry I will come home when this war ends.* James then closes his letter and puts the letter in a box. 

Then James walks down to the cargo bay to see both Bee and Arcee talking.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" James asked both of them.

"Just talking, what have you been doing." Arcee asked.

"I mailed to my parents at v-mail, also have you guys noticed that we have been training more often. Almost something big is happening." James said.

Bumblebee looked at Arcee, Arcee then nodded her head and Bee turned to face James.

"Well tomorrow we are supposed to land at six thirty on a beach in northern France."

"Oh so tomorrow?" James asked.

"Yes." Bee replied.

"Alright, i'll go get some sleep for tomorrow. Good night." 

"Night James." both Arcee and Bee said.

"I hope that we don't lose a lot of men, I have been told that the beach is heavily defended." Arcee said concerned.

"I am sure we will all be fine." Bee said, "They are all strong."

June 5th 1944,

James woke up to loud rain, it was four o'clock. *British Weather, nothing like home.*

He got up from his bed and after brushing his teeth and getting changed he went to the cargo bay to see General Eisenhower talking with Arcee, 

"The weather right now affects our ability to prepare for the invasion, so I have postponed the operation until the weather gets better."

 General Eisenhower said to Arcee. "Alright, I will tell everyone general Eisenhower." Arcee responded.

James was mad, he had a chance to fight and now he has to wait more. James then goes to training where he get his anger out.

Meanwhile Arcee and Bee were talking. "Well be, we have been postponed, but still be ready. we don't know what these Nazis are capable of."

"Relax Arcee we will be fine, plus we are together and we will fight together." Bee said.

"Yeah anyways were is James?" Arcee asked.

Meanwhile James walking in.

"Hey guys." James.

"Hey." they both responding.

After talking about the delay to the landing it was time to sleep, during this time the weather started to clear up. 

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