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August 26 1944,

"So what exactly is this?" Arcee asked Robert pointing at a box with a speaker and dials on it. "Oh this is a radio, you can just dance to the music it plays or just listen to it." Robert then turned the dial and played some music. Bee was starting to dance around and leading Arcee to dance along too, Arcee got up and danced around while Robert sang along while Jetfire was recording Bee and Arcee dancing adding it to his Beecee moments.

James was finishing writing a letter to his parents, he couldn't remember when was the last time he ever wrote to his parents. He was unsure of how to explain Madeline, although the two never got together they had gotten closer over the past few months. *Mother, Father, I am sorry I haven't sent any mail in the past few months. With the war going on I was busy fighting, but the good news is we kick those Nazis out of Paris. Right now we are celebrating it. I hope to see you both soon.* Just then Madeline sits beside James.

"So, are you leaving?" She asked looking at him, James waited to respond. "Yeah, even though Paris is free the war isn't over yet. We can still send each other letters, I am sure." Madeline listened to him and then rested her head on his shoulder, "Promise me you will make it back alive." James didn't want to promise something he couldn't control, "I do my best to stay alive." They then sat there for a while looking at the night sky. While Bee was dancing, he saw a German jeep in the distance. He quickly grabbed his gun and waited to arrive, but as he saw that no one was driving it he questioned what to do. "Who are you," Bee asked but got no response, "Answer me or I shoot!" Bee yelled at the jeep. The Jeep then transformed and spoke, "That's no way to treat a friend now is it." Jazz told Bee. Arcee was shocked to see Jazz alive. 

Bee just stood there lowering his weapon, "You died when you got shot down in your escape pod." Jazz got ready to tell Bee how he survived, "When I was shot down I crashed into The Prime's Lagoon. When I got out I had to do brutal hand-to-hand combat to survive, I made it to an Autobot ship to get off Cybertron. Of course, I was tracked down and followed by a corrupt cop and his pet Bonecrusher." Jazz was going to continue until Bee muttered, "Barricade." Jazz looked at Bee who had hatred in his eyes, "Yeah, Barricade. They managed to capture me on a red planet and interrogated me. But you know I ain't gonna start snitching, they were about to kill me when they got some sort of signal. They got to Earth to meet up with the other cons," Jazz then showed everyone a picture of Starscream, Barricade, Bonecrusher, and Arachnid. Arcee clenched her fists when saw Arachnid in the photo, "I managed to break out of my cell and scanned this vehicle to get away, and the rest you know." 

Jetfire worried at the sight of more Decepticons here, but he noticed that they were also evenly matched at least in numbers. Robert asked Jazz, "By the way we never got your name?" Jazz turned and realized he was right, "Names Jazz, Autobot scout. Now can everyone I don't know introduce yourself?" Robert was eager to speak first, "Names Robert." Madeline then spoke up, "Madeline." James gave his name, "And I'm James." Then looked at Jetfire to give his name to Jazz, "My name is Jetfire, and I defected to the Autobots 20 years ago. I then frozen in time only to be woken up by those two love birds."

Jazz raised an opticbrow at Bee and said, "You guys are together?" Bee was quick to respond, "No we're close friends." Jazz started giving Bee a look telling him he didn't believe it. "Really, so you don't think Arcee is attractive." Bee looked at Jazz, "I think she is hot, no I mean she not, no I mean she looks beautiful, wait no shes cute, frag." Arcee began to smile at Bee's flustering as he argued with Jazz. *Bee cute when he flusters up like that.*  She thought to herself. Jetfire sat down knowing this was going to be a long argument between the two.

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