Onto Aachen

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September 30th, 1944

James was sitting down thinking about what he had promised Madeline, who was back in Paris doing whatever she could to fix the mess the Nazi left. They had pushed the Germans out of France, now heading to Aachen. It would be the first time Allied troops would enter Germany, the Brits would join them to kick German ass while the Canadians freed Belgium and the Netherlands. "The Canadians, those Krauts are in for it now," James said, smiling. "What are you smiling about trooper?" James heard a familiar voice with a British accent. "Officer Harris..." James turned his head seeing a British man with crutches. "Make some room for me." James scotched over while Harris sat himself down next to him. "Nice job in Paris," Harris said looking at James, "I'm glad you took charge in my absence." James nodded his head thanking Officer Harris for his feedback. "Officer Harris, what will happen to you since you got hurt?" James looked at Harris who closed his eyes to rest for a minute. Still having his eyes shut he answered, "I will be at briefings and camp however I will not join you on the front lines." 

Just then Robert came in and told them they were marching to Aachen. Bumblebee, Arcee, Jazz, & Jetfire were waiting in their vehicle forms. Jazz had scanned a Jeep Willy, the same as Bee's. As James and Robert got on Bee, a new member to replace Madeline's position came up alongside Officer Harris. "Men, this is our new member, would you introduce yourself?" The man put out a hand to shake Robert and James' hands. "Names Howard Steel," Howard spoke up as he sat down. "Hmph." Howard looked at Robert, "Something wrong." Robert looked back, "I can't believe they let you fight, you get tired working." Howard got pissed at Robert's comment about him, "Yeah, too much snow in Brooklyn for me to handle." Howard and Robert glared at each other as James felt uncomfortable, "Names James, never told you that." Howard who had stopped glaring at Robert looked towards James shaking his hand again, "How was Paris, any French woman?" James smiled, "Only one." 

They had gotten in front of the military convoy when Bee stopped, "Bee what's wr-..." "Get off." James surprised by Bee motioned everyone to get off. "Don't trip Howard." Robert told Howard, "Kinda hard not to with your large feet," Howard replied. Bee transformed shocking Howard in the process, Officer Harris had told him that they could transform and were alien but he thought it was a joke. Bee stood tall looking at the forest, "I can see your four red eyes, stop trying to hide." Barricade came out with his maces smiling, "I almost didn't see your green ass with the trees." Bee and Barricade charged at each other, and Barricade went for a side punch to the face. Bee dodged it while grabbing Barricade's arm and shoving him into a tree. The soldiers in the convoy started shooting at Barricade while Jazz transformed and charged Barricade. Barricade sees Jazz charging at him, he punches Bee in the gut stunning him, and grabs Jazz's arm twisting it. "I remember you, consider this composition for your bailing," Barricade then tried shooting Jazz in the eyes but his visor stopped the blast.

 Barricade then used Jazz as a shield from human bullets. The red-eyed con felt bullets hit his arm, they were coming from a certain bot. Bee managed to get Jazz free from Barricade's grasp and smack the con with his gun, Bee then grabbed the corrupt cop's face and pointed his face closer to the end of his barrel. He pulled the trigger damaging half of Barricade's face, grabbing his face he retreated into the forest where he came. "You alright Jazz?" Jazz took off his cracked and shattered visor, "Just peachy, arm hurts though." Arcee arrived at the front with Jetfire still driving up to the front. "Bee you alright, what happened?" Bee smiled at Arcee, "I'm fi-Were fine, but now Barricade's here and I fear he and Starscream are not alone." 

Jazz who sat down smirked at Bee, "What are you smirking about?" Jazz pointed to Arcee, "Game is game bro, I respect." Bee understanding want he meant rolled his eyes, "Get off your lazy ass before I shoot your face." Arcee smiled as Jazz got up with his hands in the air, as Bee still held his gun. "I'm here," Jetfire said finishing transforming. "Nice of you to show up and join, what took you so long," Arcee asked him making fun of him. "My stupid tank mode, always so slow. The hell he looking at?" Jetfire asked. "Oh, that's Howard Steel," Bee answered. Howard was shocked that four giant robots that could transform were real, not to mention he just saw them fight each other. "Four giant robots that can transform, huh transformers. this is a CLUSTER FU-..."

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