Paris II

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August 23 1944,

Jetfire and Officer Harris were shooting Germans while Arcee, Bee, Madeline, James, Robert, and the rest of the battalion were destroying German equipment with grenades, melee weapons, and guns. "We need to get a better position, we do not have enough cover." Jetfire told Harris while switching to his axes. Harris then tried to think of a position then-BAM! "Harris, Harris!"

Jetfire yelled at him while his vision went blank. Jetfire picked up Harris while switching to his shotgun again shooting any enemy forces trying to advance to him. He got back to the others showing them his condition. "Robert go get a medic!" James told Robert, Robert ran to get a medic as Madeline went next to James. "You be fine sir, we're getting a medic for you." Bumblebee said to him. "Thank you soldier, however the mission still needs to be complete, go finish it. That's an order"

"Yes sir." Bumblebee said looking at everyone to move on to the mission. Robert came back seeing them moving on, he thanked the medic for taking care of Harris and ran back up to them. "Alright James, what do we do?" Bee asked him for orders. James thought until he looked at Madeline who was wearing a French resistance flag. "OK, we work with resistance to weaken the Germans."

"Tomorrow, Me, Madeline, Bee, and Arcee will go with the Resistance fighters destroying German positions to make way for Robert, Jetfire, Some resistance fighters and the 2nd Armor Division to push back the Germans hopef-making them surrender." James then caught his breath after a long explanation. They got ready to complete what they were assigned knowing this will all be over soon.

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