Part 27: Self Research

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After what happened in the training room an hour ago, Keith followed after Lance at his side since he did not want to leave him alone after what happened and because he was wary of something else happening to Lance, which that alone had the Kogane on edge.

Lance went to the library with Keith and was getting used to the twists and turns of the huge library that Keith almost wished he didn't have a sprouting headache from the thousands of books that stretched to every inch of the room. Lance firmly clutched his mystery gift he's had since he first came to the McClains and he really needed to find out who gave it to him, maybe he'd find a clue as to who his mother is. But there seem to be more to this knife then what he was aware of, in the training room he somehow made it into a sword and managed to turn it back into a knife, but it was weird, and the question remained the same. How. How did it turn into a sword and more importantly, who gave it to him.

The pair went for Alfor's study, maybe a clue lied there, hopefully anyway.

Keith hadn't been in the study, but Lance was already looking around, picking up papers and looking at them and going through books. Keith picked up one of the papers, but realized he couldn't read it because it was written in Altean and he didn't know how to read Altean. "I can't read this" he huffed, Lance peeked over "It's an entry from King Alfor, something about an expedition he went on before Altea fell" he said, Keith blinked, "This is an Entry? you can read this?" Lance shrugged, "I guess? Pidge thinks I may be Altean since I'm able to read and understand it, but I object to her theory, it's impossible after all" he told him, "But Yjok is Galra, something about the whole thing may make sense a bit" He muttered but Lance chose to let him be as he set down the books he had since they weren't helping. "None of these are giving me any clues, and I don't want to bother Allura or Coran with this either" Keith sighed, "Lance," his mate looked at him, "It's just my opinion but maybe you should ask them to see if they can help, this knife you've got obviously means something to your heritage" he told him, "But I doubt it.... You think they could?" Keith only shrugged, since he wasn't at all sure. "No harm in asking" Lance looked at his knife, frowning. In all his life he's been wanting to know who gave it to him... maybe Allura and Coran might know. Hopefully. 

"Fine" he agreed reluctantly and the two left the library to find the princess and advisor which the pair found them in the usual spot, the bridge. "Allura, Coran, um," the pair halted their conversation of their next objective to look at them. "Yes, is something wrong?" She asked, "Well no, ish. Um, we were wondering if you knew anything about this," Lance pulled out his silver knife and showed them, "A knife? You aren't harming yourself are you" she was worried and hoped that it wasn't the case. "No, he's not and I make sure he doesn't but that's not the problem" Keith said, "Why is he injured? Does he need a Pod" Coran asked noticing some bandages, "I um, tried training on my own and got plumbed.... trying to work past my PTSD to actually be able to fight close up" he sweatdropped, "And that's where the knife comes in," Keith added pointing his thumb at the silver bladed knife. "Did anything bad happen?" Allura raised a brow, "Not bad just... confusing to say the least. I don't know how to explain, nor do I know how it happened, but whoever gave me this I think wasn't Human" Lance admitted, the two Alteans weren't sure what he meant by that. "May I see it?" Allura asked gently and he nodded though was hesitant to give it up since it truthfully was the only link to his mysterious past. He gave it to her, and she and Coran looked at it, "Now that's odd" Coran said suddenly, taking the knife from Allura to get a closer look. "What is?" Allura asked, "These designs look like they were from your father to your brother" he said looking at them, "My father?" How? "But I've never met King Alfor, how would this end up in my possession?" 

"That my boy is something I do not have an answer for, unfortunately. But I do remember Alfor working for two movements on a gift for his son, which was a knife much like this one" he placed the knife back in Lance's hands. "Whoever you got it, keep it safe. Did something change with it by chance?" he asked him closing Lance's fingers gently over the knife, "I was in the training room and next thing I know is Keith hugging me and my knife turned in a sword somehow, I don't know how" Lance explained, "He's right, either it was adrenaline or something but whatever he did, the knife ended up changing its form" Keith added, "Hm, well. It's just a theory, but have you tired merging your Quintessence with it?" Coran suggested, "Merging my Quintessence with it?" Lance mimicked unsure on what he meant. "Yes, King Alfor designed the prince's knife to change into a sword with his Quintessence. I've only seen him do it once, but he was a year younger than before he went missing. If you managed to merge your Quintessence with the knife, you might be able to do it again, however I'm not sure if you'll be able to do it again" Coran explained, and Lance looked at his knife. "So... how would I do that?" He asked, "Think of it as merging your Quintessence with your lion" Lance decided not to ask "Which one" mainly for the fact he didn't tell the others he could hear all five lions. 

"I'll try again later, right now I'm just hungry" Coran chuckled, Keith grabbed his hand, and the three men left the bridge as Allura was in thought, that knife looked so heavily similar to her brother's.... She looked back to the closed doors they left behind. Could Lance be her missing brother? The one Yjok no doubt took when he vanished? But he no memory of his mother or anything before a certain age, so maybe she was too hopeful... She took in a breath and sighed. Best not to jump to conclusions or accusations, it would do none of them any good, but her hope remained strong, that Lance is possibly her brother. They shared the name and eyes but... no. She pushed the doubt aside, no negative thoughts of dishope. She left the bridge to grab something to eat herself. 



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