Part 33: No

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"Lance," Lance turned to see Marco, "Hey..." Marco walked over to him, "Scared?" he asked him, Lance chuckled softly. "Terrified actually. No one knows how this'll play out, even if we got rid of Zarkon, there's still my father that's in the picture," Marco had to keep himself from saying something he might regret when Yjok was brought up, but Lance knew that Marco despised the man, and frankly, Lance had no way of cutting off any ties that tied him to Yjok. Not only as his son, but a tool he kept on a leash, an invisible chain. 

"I never trusted him, the first day I met him. You were the only reason I put up with him until I moved out of mom's house," Marco said, gazing out of the windows next to Lance in the quiet bridge where no one but them were at, "I was?" Marco nodded, "Do you remember... when I lied to Alex about something, and you said you knew?" Lance nodded; he never did really ask what he lied about whatever was on his mind. "Before we met you, my father died soon after Rachel was born," Lance looked at him surprised, "He... he what?" Marco nodded at him, "It wasn't by an Alien influence, it was an Earth sickness we call cancer. He struggled with it a lot as a teenager into his adult life, a few weeks after she was born, the cancer took a toll and eventually took his life." He didn't know that; in Lance's honest opinion he thought Maria and Marco's father were divorced after he learned the term from Veronica. "I... I didn't know that..." Marco patted his shoulder, "Rachel doesn't really remember him so we didn't talk about him much, mom probably never got over it but with how she is right now, she might've always been this way. I don't know, but she's not the same woman I once knew or in retrospect, the same woman I thought I knew." His mother wasn't the same woman, especially after his father died. 

If Maria was always this way, then she really hid it well.

"When this is all over, and we go back to Earth, I'm not letting her see the kids anymore. After what I learned from Rachel... " Marco understood from a parent's perspective, Lance was a mother, a young one, but a mother no less, he knew better on who he should let the ones he gave life to be around, and Maria was not a trusted person to the kids anymore. "I understand, have you told the others about the kids and their heritage?" Lance sighed, "Allura, Coran, Shiro and Hunk don't know about it. Keith and Pidge aside from you, Rachel and Alex truthfully know about me being the kids' mother. It's not that I don't trust them, I do, with everything even my life, but I don't want them to be in danger of something they shouldn't have known about. Especially since our older brother is a retarded bastard who can't keep his dick in his pants," Regretfully, Marco snorted amused. "Well, can't really deny that. How long exactly did you know that he was cheating on Angela?" he asked his little brother, it had taken Marco 3 years to even learn that Luis was a cheating idiot. "I figured it out not long after I went into heat and Luis took advantage of it, around that time when I was pregnant with Sylvio, I noticed he kept bringing women back to the house that weren't Angela but she's just as bad as her deadbeat husband" Lance said, and Marco knew he had nothing to say for Angela since he didn't see or meet her much, especially after he left the house and lived on his own. 

"You'll stay safe in the room, won't you?" Lance changed the topic back to the upcoming battle that may be their last one to fight, "Of course we will bud, we'll be here with you when this is all over. I promise you that," Marco took his little brother into a hug and Lance hugged him back tightly, "It's okay to be scared, it's what makes us Human, living." Marco said, "I'm Half-Galra..." Lance muttered, "Galra or not," Marco let him out of the hug and bent down, "Your still Human. Still my brother, no matter what. No matter the distance, no matter if we're dead or alive, we're always here," he pointed to Lance's head, "And here," he then pointed to his heart. "We'll never leave you. That, I promise you, that I firmly believe in." Lance again hugged his brother, "Thank you Marco," Marco chuckled, standing up again to give him a proper hug. 

"You're welcome Lance" 

|| ------ ||

"Shiro?" Keith called but received no answer, "Shiro? Come on, this isn't funny, respond!" Keith pleaded, "Get back to the castle, now!" Lance said immediately, Keith and Red grabbed the black lion and they hurried back to the castle, Shiro needed to be okay, he had to be okay. 

Please don't leave him too.

Setting Black down, each Paladin raced to the deactivated lion and into the cockpit. "No..."

"He's... He's gone..." The cockpit was empty, there were no signs of Shiro he was just... gone. 

"No, no, no, Shiro!" Lance took his mate into a hug as Keith cursed Shiro's name through his tears. 




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