Part 5: Secret

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Lance was pushed from behind and he tumbled to his knees dropping some of his books when he fell, he looked behind him timidly to see James was the one behind him with a smug grin, Lance was unamused at him and just gathered his fallen books and stood back up. He decided to ignore James and just leave but he was yanked back by the back of his collar, he squealed out of surprise and fear pricked at his skin. He glanced back to James, "What do you want now, just leave me alone!" he struggled against the Alpha while trying to be extremely careful to not release any of his Omega pheromones. He does not at all have a good past with Alphas. 

"I think not" He yanked him closer to the point the force made Lance drop his books, he gulped nervously and clearly uncomfortable being this close to James. "Let me go please! I didn't do anything wrong!" he pleaded while trying to get out of James' grasp, but the Alpha was being incredibly forceful. "Hey!" Lance jumped when someone yelled and James looked annoyed as he turned, he turned Lance around with him and they came face to face with Keith. The mullet violet eyed Kogane had his hands in his pockets and looked nowhere near amused with what James was pulling, again. "What do you want now little Kogane, I'm busy" Lance could see Keith bristle at that, for an Alpha he was a bit short, but he was still way taller than Lance was, even if he wished to be that tall. Keith soon rolled his eyes taking a small intake of breath through his nose as he looked at both the smug annoying James Griffin and the panicked scared Lance McClain. Seems McClain was getting bullied again, he had to skills of an expert pilot and Keith knew that Lance rivaled him in piloting alone but why he kept getting bullied was beyond him and it was mainly by James as he's heard.

"You going to let him go or you going to keep tormenting people you don't like? Do even know how annoying that is" Keith raised an eyebrow not bothering to remove his hands from his pockets, James only rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on Lance who only struggled wanting to be anywhere but near James, he did trust Keith since he never picked on him, but he didn't know him enough to be by his side. Lance was trained to know that Alphas are his superior, someone of higher status would always be the boss of him, like Beta or Alpha or a commander and president, they were all of higher status so high up and Lance was at the very bottom of that list.

He just needed to breath and calm his panicked nerves, but it wasn't working!

He told himself that he would let his panic attack run wild back in his dorm with the door locked, Hunk was his classes so he should have more than enough time to just panic and cry in his dorm. 

"Just let him go man" Keith was growing annoyed, Lance was beginning to feel the effects of a panic attack on the rise and James remained as smug as ever. "Why should I? You and I both know a little weakling shy guy is an easy target" he tightened his grip with his arm around both of Lance's shoulder with his elbow being close to his neck in a choking relation, Lance was fearful, and Keith didn't like that. "Let him go, he keeps to himself whether he be an easy target or not that doesn't mean pick on him" Keith argued, James rolled his eyes again at the argument. This was ridiculous. "How about no" it wasn't a question and Lance was no terrified, he doesn't have a good past with Alphas and if James did something worse then he'd be the next Alpha he hadn't had a good past with. Okay, so Keith's words of demand weren't working, he knew Alphas were stubborn and Hardases so that meant James would be no different. He was as arrogant as he was annoying. So, Keith removed his hands from his pockets, and he noticed Lance keep a watch on him, good. He wouldn't hit Lance, but he would hit James. 

James raised an eyebrow at Keith, he knew two things about the Kogane. 1) being that he was a rebel, unlike his Alpha status he doesn't use it for power instead he ignores it completely, while 2) he liked fights. Keith took a moment of James' distraction on him to raise his fist and gestured for Lance to move his head to the side which he quickly did when Keith pushed his fist forward and punched James square in the face. His hand reached out for Lance's flailing wrist and caught him by pulling him to his feet, so he didn't drop to the ground like James did since he fell clean on his ass. He looked to Lance who was gulping and shaking, guess he wasn't expecting that entire thing to happen. "Go" he pat his shoulder and Lance jumped, scrambling to grab his books before he booked it down the hall effectively disappearing into the crowd of students. 

"You bastard!" James held bloody his nose as Keith put his hands back into his pockets, "Should have let go of him" with that he turned and left with James growling behind him. 

Lance ran straight to his dorm that he shared with his only friend named Hunk and locked the door behind him by putting in a code and let his back slid against the metal doors and he dropped his books to the ground before he curled in on himself where he was and cried, he hated being vulnerable, he hated being weak and scared. 

He just wanted to be normal. Not a freak. Not an Omega. Not even as a weakling, why couldn't get just be normal. It's all he wanted now. During his tears he felt a sharp pain in his head and lower back, he winced and bit his lip to silence his whimper. He didn't want to be more of a freak, but it was more painful keeping them in for such longer periods of time. Making sure Hunk wasn't in the room he took in a shaky breath and slowly, two pairs of abnormal things appeared from out of his body. Two white fluffy tuffs of cat ears flickered with the outside sounds from behind the door he was leaning against, and a fluffy white tail curled around his legs, hugging them like his arms. 

Why couldn't he just be normal like every other Human being around.



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