chapter 8

165 7 3

- Mitch

I woke up again with two soft and furry arms wrapped around me I looked out the window to see it was already day. So I got up and walked to the kitchen grabbing something from the fridge to eat. A really tired looking Jerome stumbled in the kitchen.

"Mitch why are you up? It's just passed midnight." He mumbled. I chuckled.

"Hahah. Silly, it's already daytime." He looked up and out the window.

"Mitch it's pitchblack outside."

"No it's not. Don't play games with me Jerome." Jerome's eyes widen.

"I'm not playing games. It's night." He said with a worried and serious face. I got kinda worried by this aswell.


"I don't know but we're gonna find out." He searched through some chest and finnally came back with a folded piece of paper.

"What's that?"

"A map." He said unfolding it and placing it on the table.


"You might not like it but, I'm gonna search the quickest route to Seto's place." He looked up at me with sorry eyes.

"Why Seto?"

"I know you and him don't get along too well. But he might be the only one with awnsers."

"He's also the one that secretly tested his spells on me. Remember that parelizing spell Jerome?"

"Yeah I remember. But We need to know what is happening to you."

"I doupt he's going to help us." Jerome sighed.

"We need to alteast try. For all we know you could still be transforming." This time it was me who sighed.

"Okay fine."

"Thank you." He looked back down at the map, 10 minutes later he said he fount a route and we started packing for the long journey. After traveling in the night for a while the sun started to rise. For me it looked the same but Jerome relaxed. As we walked out of the forrest the sun was at his highest.

"It's so hot." I said suddenly feeling the sun burn, I started sweating and used my hands to wave some fresh air at mysleve.

"Are you okay? Usually I'm hot while you're freezing." Jerome question.

"Aren't you hot?" I questioned.

"It's warm, yes, but not hot." We where soon walking in a forrest again and the heat vanished. Jerome glanced up at the sky.

"We should set up camp it's getting dark." But again for me everything was as bright as ever. I still nodded though. I couldn't sleep that night, I just didn't feel tired. So I watched Jerome sleep peacefully. After a long time he finnaly woke up again and we continued our journey. As we passed a small clearing I felt an immense pain on my hand where the sun toutched my skin. I pulled it closer to me and looked at it see burn wounds.

Today I have my last final :D I'm so happy yet nervous, wish me luck!! Xx

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