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Following the guard, you can feel a knot in your stomach, and you feel somewhat ashamed of what just happened

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Following the guard, you can feel a knot in your stomach, and you feel somewhat ashamed of what just happened. You let your hormones take control of you, leading you to do things that you didn't fully understand, things that could have had serious consequences if you hadn't managed to control yourself.

you notice the sound of the doors buzzing shut and the click of the locks behind you. The air is chilly, and you can smell the scent of the prison, mixing with the odor of sweat and disinfectant. You feel the weight of your stethoscope around your neck and the scrubs you're wearing.

The prison feels desolate, with only the sound of your footsteps echoing down the halls. You try to focus on the task at hand, but your mind is still reeling from what just happened. You wonder if he'll ever have a chance at a normal life, and if he's ever felt the touch of someone who truly cares for him. You shake your head to push these thoughts aside, knowing that it's not your place to dwell on such questions. You're just here to do your job and keep your distance.

you wonder what could have happened if you hadn't regained your composure and stopped what just happened from going further. You try to shake off the feelings of disgust and regret that are creeping up inside of you, but it's difficult. You know that you have to focus on the check up and keep a professional distance from these men.

As the guard stops in front of Sanzu's cell, you take a deep breath, trying to focus on the task at hand. No matter what your hormones might be telling you. You try to push away any thoughts of what could happen if you don't stay in control of the situation and instead focus on what needs to be done. You remind yourself that even though he might seem charming and sympathetic, he's still a criminal who's in prison for a reason.

You need to be mindful of your actions and keep your distance, no matter how tempting it might be to give in to your emotions. You know that you can't let your feelings lead you down a dangerous path, no matter how strong the connection between the two of you might feel. You need to be strong-willed and resist any temptations to cross the line, not only for your sake, but for his as well.

as the guard unlocks the cell take a deep breath, you can't let anything inappropriate happen, and you have to keep a clear head.

As you step into the cell, you can't help but notice the blue-eyed man sitting on his bed. He looks like he's been expecting to see you, and you feel a bit flustered by his gaze.

You put on a smile, trying to hide your nerves, and you try to ignore your racing heart that's beating faster than usual. You approach him and greet him politely.

You can feel the weight of his stare upon you. You look up to meet his gaze, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. His blue eyes seem to bore straight into yours, and you can feel a shiver run down your spine. You try to ignore his intense eye contact as he speaks to you, his voice low and seductive.

"Long time no see, Miss nurse," he says with a lazy smile, but his eyes tell a different story.

You clear your throat, feeling your nerves start to flare up again as you try to come up with something to say.

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