°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ thirty-eight ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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The familiar hum of the TV fills the room, the light from the screen reflecting on your face as you sit there looking at the news

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The familiar hum of the TV fills the room, the light from the screen reflecting on your face as you sit there looking at the news. The reporter's voice echoes in your ears and you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

"Breaking news! Bonten's escape was not quite shocking but unexpected," they say, their tone serious as they continue to speak. "Late this evening, the notorious gang members all managed to break free from Japan's most secure prison, and the whole country is left in shock. Christmas night will now forever be remembered as the night that Bonten slipped away. But the question is, will they come back as strong as they were, or will they be caught and brought to justice?"

The atmosphere was tense and full of uncertainty, a feeling of agitation thick in the air. The sound of the sirens and the sound of the guards moving about, searching for the arsonist, was almost deafening. It seemed that everyone was on edge, unsure of what was going to happen next. But for you, all you wanted was to go home, to put this whole ordeal behind you and never look back.

The air in the break room was thick with a mixture of burnt ash and sweat, the stench almost too much to bear. People were milling about, their voices loud and chaotic, and you felt overwhelmed by the noise and activity. Your legs felt weak, like they might give out at any moment, and all you could think about was getting to your bed.

The whole break room buzzed with a mixture of anxiety and dread. The police, in their stiff blue uniforms, had arrived on the scene, searching for the person responsible for starting the fire. They had concluded that someone here was linked to Bonten, and that everyone would soon be questioned. But for now, all you could do was wait, hoping that the interrogation would not happen today, and that the day would end with everyone being dismissed. It was a strange and tense atmosphere, and the noise of other people's voices and the clack of keyboards seemed to echo in the air. You closed your eyes, trying to block it all out, and instead focused on the sound of your own heartbeat.

Your tongue ran over your dry lips, your nerves causing the muscles in your face to twitch uncontrollably. Your foot tapped the floor nonstop, as if trying to keep pace with the rapid beating of your heart. The ticking of your watch was the only sound in the room, a constant reminder of how time was passing by.

Sarah's eyes seemed to be glued to you, an amused smile playing at the corners of her lips as she approached. You raised an eyebrow at her, inviting her to make a move, but she just continued to walk towards you, unperturbed.

"Me and Takumi are spending Christmas together, probably the most romantic night ever," she said with a smug smile at her face. It was a taunt, and she knew it. The way her eyes shone with triumph made it clear that she was trying to hurt you. But deep down, you couldn't care less.

"Bitch just worry about your smelly ass vagina, bet it was the reason the fire started." Your words sent her aback, with her mouth hanging open in shock. You, however, were unfazed. You simply raised your right hand, as your left crossed over your shoulder. You spoke with such confidence and assurance that it was hard for her to think of a comeback.

The tension in the air was palpable, and you could hear the sound of everyone around you being dismissed. As soon as you saw your chance, you picked up your bag and left, not looking back. You were done with this place and the people in it, you had better things to do.

And it was doing bonten.


"Are you sure this is the house Takeomi told us?" Rindou questioned, his eyes scanning the exterior of the rundown building with a hint of hesitation.

"Yes, just, let me..." Kokonoi replied, his fingers fumbling with the keys as he tried to fit them into the lock.

The rest of the group grew restless, shifting their weight from one foot to the other, eager to get inside and escape the cold. But as soon as they heard the sound of the lock clicking into place, their impatience gave way to curiosity. With a soft creak, the door slowly swung open, revealing the modest interior of the small apartment.

Sanzu burst through the front door and stated, "I'm sleeping on the bed by the way." He made it clear before bounding towards the bedroom, his footsteps echoing through the quiet apartment.

Rindou quickly followed him, shouting, "No, you're not, motherfucker!"

The atmosphere of the room instantly got heated up with the presence of Rindou and Sanzu, their bickering being heard by everyone in the small room. It seemed their feud was far from over, and they had turned the soft and comfy bed into their battleground.

With a grin, Rindou jumped on the bed, his arms ready for a pillow fight, while Sanzu followed suit, the two of them having fun as they tried to overpower each other. The pillows went flying, the clashing of the pillows echoing throughout the room and making it seem like a playground. The scene was both absurd and silly at the same time.

"I'm hungry." With that simple utterance, Mikey walked to the kitchen with a sense of familiarity and opened the fridge, grabbing anything that caught his eye that looked sweet enough. He rummaged through it, looking for something to satisfy his hunger.

His hands were on instinct, opening containers, grabbing food and putting it directly into his mouth.

Ran had been sitting on the couch, flipping through the TV channels with one eye while his other took in the various items in the room. He was casually kicking one foot on the small table next to him, with its vases and books, and making himself comfortable in the space. He didn't seem in a rush to get anywhere, but was clearly eager to spend time here. As he settled in, his attention turned to the options available on the television, his eyes darting through your history of watched shows.

After a while, a look of amusement appeared on his face. "The whole trilogy of Fifty Shades of Grey," he added, raising an eyebrow. "That woman must be sexually frustrated." Smirking in amusement.

Kokonoi casually walked over and sat down next to the Haitani as he watched him take in the sight of the soap operas playing on the screen. He leaned back, his arms crossed behind his head, a small grin playing on his lips as he observed the man's facial expressions.

On the other side of the room, Kakucho stood in the doorway, his arms crossed tightly in front of him as he surveyed the mess that had been made of the room.

He let out a deep sigh, his lips pursed in frustration as he saw the scattered pillows and the bedsheets that had been pulled off the bed. He couldn't help but shake his head, his eyes darting from one person to the next. It seemed the room had turned into a playground for the duo.

"Sanzu just take your drugs already damn it."

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