°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ sixteen ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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After what seemed like an eternity, you finally reached a point where the inmate's condition had stabilized

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After what seemed like an eternity, you finally reached a point where the inmate's condition had stabilized. Together with the nurse and following Dr's orders, you made your way to the patient's side to finish up. With careful hands and medical tools at your disposal, you quickly and efficiently put in the last stitch to close the inmate's wound. A sigh of relief left your lips, and you took a moment to catch your breath before moving on to the next challenge.

As the guards removed the inmate from the scene, you let out a sigh of relief, pleased that the situation was now under control. As you surveyed the aftermath, you couldn't help but feel bad for the cleaning lady who would have to deal with all this mess. In a fit of kindness, you began to collect some of the forceps, gauze pads, and bandages, intending to do your part in making her job less laborious.

You were so absorbed in your work that you completely forgot you were in the middle of a cafeteria full of Japan's most dangerous criminals. The thought was both terrifying and exhilarating, you were almost the only woman in the whole room.

Looking back at one specific table, you caught a glimpse of the pink-haired man, waving at you with a small smile on his face, his eyes squinting slightly as his dimples added to his charming expression.

Despite your initial shock at his sudden attention, you returned his smile while feeling slightly awkward.

Rindou spoke up, taunting Sanzu by declaring, "You literally scared her."

"You never shut up, do you?" Sanzu fired back, irritation evident in his tone. His reaction seemed to amuse the purple-haired man to no end.

Kokonoi decided to comment on the situation, adding,
"You two are fighting like middle school teenage boys." His words didn't sit well with either of the men, who both glared at him as if he'd just made a very distasteful remark.

On the other hand, Ran seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the situation, even going so far as to let out a full-hearted laugh as the two men continued to bicker.

As you prepared to depart, you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your ankles, causing you to trip and drop all the items in your hands.

The sudden loss of balance caught you off guard, as did the pain in your limbs, and your trip to the ground was both humiliating and painful. Glaring up at the man who had been manspreading, your face now inches away from his knee, you were left with little choice but to acknowledge him.

"Need a little help, hm?" Ran spoke, his tone dripping with amusement.

It was clear that he was making fun of you for your fall, his smile suggesting that he found your misfortune particularly amusing. You felt a red tide of embarrassment wash over you as his words echoed through the cafeteria, drawing the attention of everyone present.

The heat rising in your cheeks made you feel mortified as you hastily picked up your things, your hands shaking slightly. When you spoke, it was in a voice that was barely audible, your nerves making it difficult for you to form words properly.

"Uh - no, I mean no thank you," you managed to say, hoping that the man's offer to help was just a cruel joke. But the feeling of being weighed and measured by the gaze of all those men made you feel even more uncomfortable.

You cast a quick glance at the short white-haired man seated in the same table, a small smile spreading across your face. He returned the gesture by inclining his head slightly, a subtle curve forming on his lips. The exchange was brief, but there was a warmth to it that you couldn't help but feel.

You noticed a few of the other men glancing at you, appearing surprised by the interaction you'd had with their boss. Unaccustomed to the group's attention, you felt your cheeks coloring redder as you started to feel even more self-conscious, unable to meet anyone's gaze.

"I'll uh - get going now," you said, with some awkward hand gestures, before walking away, the weight of their eyes upon you making you feel even more self-conscious. It was clear that you were still feeling embarrassed over the incident that had just occurred, and you wanted nothing more than to escape their judgment.

"Wow, I actually feel bad for her," Rindou commented, his eyes following your retreating figure. Despite his gruff exterior, there was a hint of concern in his tone.

Sanzu's gaze tracked you with lovesick eyes as you left the cafeteria, his expression suggesting that he was completely lost in thought.

"She's cute," Ran countered with a grin, his eyes catching a final glimpse of you before the door closed behind you.

Leaning back, he let out a small yawn, stretching his arms and causing his well-defined Adam's apple to show on his exposed neck, tattooed with the Bonten sign.

"Mikey, are you sure you want her to work for us?" he asked, his tone rife with uncertainty.

It was clear that he was having second thoughts about letting you, who'd just shown yourself to be clumsy and embarrassed, make them escape Tokyo's most secure prison.

hii sweethearts, i've been thinking about something, at first when i started the ff i wanted to make the characters instantly obsessed with y/n just like how i did with sanzu but after i realized that it may not be realistic and i also wanted to explore some tropes with some characters, like for rindou it's definitely an enemies to lovers yk?

i just find that sanzu is the only guy who fits those crazy obsessed since the first sight characteristics. But dw at the end they be like 🛐🛐🛐 for y/n

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