°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ thirty-one ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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The cacophony of the massive gates opening nearly caused your eardrums to rupture

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The cacophony of the massive gates opening nearly caused your eardrums to rupture. Monday had arrived, and as Takeomi had promised, you were once again donning the nursing uniform, as if nothing had ever happened. Your reputation, you feared, was in ruins. You were probably nothing more than a raving lunatic who had attacked the primes' daughter and slapped a member of Bonten. And to top it all off, you had even "stolen" an expensive necklace.

But then again, what could you do about it? You were the villain in this story. As for the reason behind your return to nursing, it was by the generosity of Crystal. Or so they would think. The truth was something far more complex and unfathomable.

It's snowing outside, the sky as white as can be. The harsh winter wind bites at your skin, the bridge of your nose freezing with cold as you step out of your car. The thought of being the center of attention makes your hands tremble, especially when you are involved in a scandal. The haughty stares and whispering of others make you feel sick to the stomach, like the very air is being squeezed from your lungs.

Each step you take feels heavier than the last, and the feeling of dread only grows stronger the further you walk. You reach for your work ID and scan it, allowing you to enter the building. The empty hallway is almost a blessing, a small reprieve from the chaotic emotions that threaten to consume you. But you shake those feelings off, determined not to let them consume you. It is just a temporary feeling, you tell yourself, and one that will soon pass. You will help bonten, you get a ton of money and you move out to zimbabwe. Well not that country exactly but you know. Perhaps you should stay with Bonten. After all, Sanzu would probably shower you with expensive gifts, and you wouldn't mind being with him, not at all. He may have a difficult personality, but that dick is fire.

It is important to stay focused on the present and not get carried away with thoughts of the future. Nothing can guarantee that your plan with Takeomi will ultimately be successful, and the crime you are about to commit is certainly one of immense proportions. The consequences of such a decision could be severe, and you may very well end up facing a death sentence as a result. However, you are prepared to take that risk, for your reputation has already reached rock bottom, and the whispers and arrogant glares of people around you are more than you can bear. You would rather die than live like this.


"I refuse to spend the New Year in this dank prison," Kokonoi spoke, a twirl of his silky hair accompanying the declaration. His arms crossed across his shoulders, his expression fierce and determined.

Sanzu immediately followed up with a bold statement of his own, his voice laced with a hint of madness. "I will commit auto-mutilation."

Kokonoi simply chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, you've done worse, so it's really not too much of a surprise," he replied, shaking his head.

Around the cafeteria table, the members gathered, all of them eyeing Ran curiously as he spoke. With a nonchalant ease, he began to circle his index finger around the edge of his plastic cup, the veins on his arm protruding slightly with his movements.

"Well, if you guys don't know, there is going to be a health check with a few members this month," Ran explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "Just a routine checkup, nothing out of the ordinary."

Sanzu let out a sharp exhale, the bitterness evident in his tone. "Must've been very exciting if some asshole wasn't the reason the love of my life got expelled," he grumbled, not even attempting to disguise the pettiness behind his words.

Ran simply rolled his eyes. "Well, even if Y/n was here like last month - which she isn't - you wouldn't have been chosen for the health check this month," he stated bluntly, the subtle hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

"And since Y/n is not here anymore, do we need to find another one?" Ran asked, resting his face in his hand as he leaned his elbow against the table.

Kakucho was quick to join in the conversation, his voice laced with a hint of calmness. "Well, most likely we have to seduce one of them, maybe just to get us in contact with Takeomi and mochi again."

Kokonoi spoke up then, a smile on his face. "Somehow, I still can't quite believe she slapped you, Rindou," he said, his tone of voice tinged with a hint of disbelief. "She really does have a way of getting under people's skin, doesn't she?"

Rindou simply shrugged, his expression lacking any sort of enthusiasm.

"I guess so."


Your bag landed with a heavy thud on the table, the noise jarring the red-haired girl from her focus as she was typing away on her laptop. The suddenness of the act seemed to shock her, her eyes going wide as she looked up at you, clearly caught off guard by your sudden intrusion into her space.

"Bonjour, bitch." You say, not even attempting to hide the aggressive tone in your voice as you look at her. With a piece of gum in your mouth, you stare at her, making it quite clear that you have no intention of backing down.

Sarah, on the other hand, remains oddly nonchalant about the entire situation, her face breaking out into a simple smile. "How was the journey at jail?" she asks in a casual tone.

"How is your mother doing?" You ask, a hint of cruelty in your voice.

Her smile quickly drops as you continue, a deep line forming between her eyebrows. "Oh, my bad, she is dead," you say, a smirk playing on your lips as you watch her expression turn to shock.

She quickly gets up from the table, her eyes filling with rage. "What is wrong with you!? she exclaims, her voice rising in volume with each word.

"Everything." You reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you stare at her.

She quickly catches on to the tone of your voice, her smile dropping once again. "Oh wow, good well seen Sherlock," she says sarcastically. "But who will believe you? You are nothing but a psychotic crazy woman in the eyes of others," she adds,

"Oh really? Maybe because I am truly a crazy psychotic woman." Your voice drops to a whisper as you take a step closer to her, your eyes locked onto hers. It's clear that you're not afraid to use your words as a weapon, and that you're willing to do whatever it takes to back up your threats.

"Don't forget that I am crazy enough to slap a Bonten member in the face," you add, the threat hanging heavy in the air like a noose. Your words send a shiver down her spine.

"You seriously think I will not be brave enough to do something to you?" You respond,

– a touch of arrogance in your voice. Her expression quickly turns from angry to worried, her face going quiet and almost as if a mouse had stolen her ability to speak. You can't help but feel a slight sense of glee as you see the effect your words had on her, as if you'd just managed to turn the tables on her. You quickly walk away, leaving her behind, and feeling a sense of accomplishment.


sorry for the wait haha, yesterday was my birthday actually and I was busy playing roblox getting deep voiced men sing happy birthday for me, anyways enjoy ❤

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