Chapter 3

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I hop off of my bike and put it next to a green one, easy to find so I'll know where I put my bike when I'm finished for the day. I look around and see this huge building, it's pretty impressive. I've never seen such a big school. My school in the Netherlands had somewhere around 1300 pupils, but this thing is like five times bigger.
I'm making my way to pick up the scheme of my classes, where I have to be at what time. I walk past many pupils and finally see the principals office. I knock on the door before it opens. 'Hello, come in' the man says to me with a smile on his face. I smile back at him and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
"So, I'm mister Nobler and, excuse me if I'm wrong, but your name is Sharon right?" He carefully asks. "Well actually it's pronounced Charonne. Like, char on. It's a French name actually" I say while laughing.
"Ah okay! Well Char-on, today is your first day, obviously, and I will be guiding you through this very tough first week" he says sarcastically. He cracks up and I start laughing with him. He's got such a funny laugh. When he's done laughing his face turns to serious again and looks at me. "I asked someone who is in the same year to show you around. He will be here soon I think. It will be good for him, someone who will keep him grounded. I think you will be different." He goes on, taking a look at his watch. Just as I was about to ask what his name was, I heard a knock on the door.

"Mister Nobler?" The voice asked. I'm not making any effort of turning around to see who it is, since I figured the person would have to sit next to me when Mr. Nobler is going to explain things and I would see him by then.
"Ah hello buddy, come in! How was your summer?" I see mr. Nobler getting up from his chair as he repeats "summer" and him and the boy start cracking up. What the?

"Charonne, this is Calum Hood." He says to me. I turn sideways to see Calum standing in front of me. "What?" He says surprised.
"How did you?"
"I know right"
"But this school?"
"Keeps me grounded"

We keep saying unfinished sentences as we see Mr. Nobler looking at us with his eyebrows frowned. "You know each other?" He asks us trying to recap what just happened.
"Uh, sort of. Well, she bumped into me the other day and I tried talking to her but she had to go home so.. Yeah" Calum replies, looking at me. SHIT?! I TOTALLY FORGOT THE DM HE SENT ME. I feel my cheeks turning red as I look at Calum. He is absolutely breathtaking. We sit down next to each other as mister Nobler starts explaining what we will be doing this week.


"See, you have English fourth period. And so do I, maybe we can sit together?" He points at the schedules we're holding. Calum looks at me, his face looking like he is a kid who just got some candy. What a cute little angelic face, I think to myself. I quickly nod, and reply by saying that it's okay for me.


We make our way through a bunch of screaming girls. "Seriously? Even at school? Don't you ever get tired?" I ask carefully, not knowing how he would react.
"Well, there will be new girls every year. I'm glad this is my last one. I mean, I can't even be myself here. Like, everywhere I go people judge me you know? I can't even light a cigarette without someone taking pictures of me.." He says as his smile turns into a frown.
I nod. "I want to say I know what you mean but, I actually don't. I mean, I'm not famous and people don't recognize me. Isn't it hard to trust new people?" I ask him, actually honestly interested in his answers.
"Well, it is hard. It really is, but... You are really good at noticing unspoken things huh?" He says laughing a bit, not finishing his first sentence.
I smile back at him. It's true, I can tell pretty much by just looking at someone.. I can tell he loves what he does, playing in a band with his three best friends, but he's having a hard time.

Our English class has just started and me and Calum are sitting next to each other. We talk about fame and how his life changed since he became quite famous. The whole time, girls are occasionally turning around, giving Calum a 'flirty' look... Or well.. It's supposed to be flirty. Class is over and me and Calum are just about to leave the room, when our teacher stops us.
"So, Calum. I have a question. My daughter is---"
"A huge fan and she would love to get an autograph, would you sign something for her? Of course miss Jones" Calum finishes her question and answers himself chuckling a bit.
Miss Jones is astonished by the fact that Calum already knew what she was gonna ask him, and she hands him a paper saying that she would love it.
Calum signs it and finishes the 'artwork' with an X. Miss Jones thanks him and says goodbye.
We walk away, it's our lunch break now and we're heading towards the cafeteria.
"You know, I don't often feel comfortable around new people. But you don't seem new. Like, you already know me." He says to me as his cheeks slowly turn to a shade of red.
"I swear, I am not a fan. But since you insist, I have to come clean though, I saw you on TV once when I still lived in Amsterdam and I thought you were absolutely breathtaking" I honestly tell him, not facing him because if I did, I would get as red as a tomato. He laughs and softly squeezes my arm.
"You little flirt." He says
"Dude, I'm not flirting with you. Get over yourself" I reply, faking a fat, American accent. We both start laughing and get our lunch.

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