Chapter 14

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I open my eyes and feel the cold air softly blowing out of some vans on the side of the window. It's almost completely dark because all the windowcovers are shut and I can hardly see a thing.

I look over to Sandrine, who is sleeping. Her head is resting against my shoulder. I really have to go to the toilet, but since there is this girl sitting next to Sandrine, I'm affraid I'll wake the both of them. I quickly glance at the girl and see she's awake.

Sandrine and I usually wake each other up when one of us is awake but since the screens on each seat tell me the flight will only last for one more hour, I decide to let her sleep, in case she gets a jetlag. I turn my phone on and see the local time appear. It's now 5:15 AM and we should arrive at 6:00. I close my eyes again, hoping that I get to catch some more sleep before we land.


I feel the plane touching the ground and Sandrine immediately jumps up out of her chair.

"What was that?!" she says, still shocked but taking her seat again.

"That was a landing. We're home!" I say, extremely enthousiastic.

As soon as we get out of the plane we wait until our suitcases are coming.

Suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. I turn around and look into the beautiful brown eyes of Calum. "Calum! I didn't know you were coming!" I shout happily, pulling him towards me. "Surprise!" He laughs before hugging me tightly. "I missed you baby" he says, before placing his lips on mine.

I quickly take a step back when we hear someone scream. "What the fuck?" I say as soon as a girl comes running up to us.
"You're Calum and Luke from 5 seconds of summer!" She yells loudly, making a few other girls turn around. They all run towards us and start rambling to Sandrine, Luke, Calum and me in their Dutch accents. I see Sandrine signalling me that our suitcases are here and I walk up to her.

Luke lifts Sandrines suitcase off of the baggage claim and Calum grabs mine after he posed for a few pictures. He hugs a few of them and then starts walking away. The girls try to chase Luke, who is now following behind us with Sandrine but security jumps in just before things escalate and they calm the girls down.

"That was close" I said to Luke, sighing in relief. He nods and rolls his eyes. "They were really nice, but if that girl didn't scream, she would have time with us alone. Now she had to share it with about 10 other girls." Calum starts to laugh. "If she would've thought for a second, she would realize she'd get more time if she remained silent." He says, explaining his sudden laughter.

We get into the van that's taking us to the boys' hotel. It's not a long trip, just a few minutes, but we drive past the hotel.

"Where are we going?" Sandrine asks Luke when we see the hotel disappearing as we drive by. "It's a surprise" Calum answers before Luke gets a chance.

"How did you guys know about our flight? What time you had to be at the airport?" I ask, looking from Calum to Luke and back to Calum.

"We got you your tickets, remember?" Luke says laughing.

"Oh right." Calum says, impersonating my voice and playfully rolling his eyes.

"How did you know I was gonna do that?!" I say, as my voice raises of laughter. "Just a wild guess" he replies, cutely squeezing my cheek. I slap his hand to make him release my cheek and the boys and Sandrine start laughing.

The van stops and the driver opens our doors so we can get out. "I'm taking your stuff to the hotel where the boys are staying." He says to me and Sandrine. We nod and thank him. He turns to Calum and Luke and says; "You guys enjoy yourselves and don't make a total chaos please" as he smiles at them. The driver climbs back into the Hummer and starts driving.

Calum turns to me as he softly places a hand on my hip, making me shiver. "Do you know where we are?" He whispers, pointing at a building in front of us. "No, I don't think so..." I say hesitating. "We'll show you the inside" he says louder and looks at Luke who grabs Sandrine's hand and starts walking. Calum keeps his hand placed on my hip and I decide to wrap my arm around his waist. We follow Luke and Sandrine.

"Can I give you a piggy back ride?" Calum asks, stopping just when we're about to enter the huge building.

"Are you serious?" I say, bursting out in laughter.

Calum looks at me and pouts his lip. "Yeah" he says like a baby.

"Okay then. Let's do it" I reply, turning him around and I jump on his back.

Luke holds the door for me and Calum to come through.

My jaw drops and Sandrine grabs my hand as we see Luke and Calum getting on stage.

"So you probably know what's up now. We're playing this stage tomorrow night and we wanted you to see it before anyone else does." Luke says as he looks at Sandrine. I follow the stare in Luke's eyes and look at Sandrine. She has teary eyes, just like me.

"Bring our other half up, will you?" Calum says into the mic and we see Michael and Ashton walk on stage.

Sandrine and I start applauding them and they take a bow. "What song do you want us to play?" Michael says through the microphone, tuning his guitar.

"Hey don't rush things dude." Calum says. "We are gonna play a song for you and it's called beside you. Because we wanna be beside you" he continues, saying the last part a bit more playful.

Ashton does a cute little countdown and Calum starts playing his bass.
"Within a minute I was all packed up, I've got a ticket to--"
"Australiaaa" Michael yells through the microphone, causing us and the boys to laugh.

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