Chapter 4

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[ Harry ]

It's just 3 in the afternoon when my favorite ringtone blasted in my office, indicating that Zayn is the one who's calling. I picked up my phone eagerly and pressed the green button.

"Hello Curly.." Zayn's deep voice spoke from the other line.

"Hi babe. What's up?" I pressed the phone on my ear as I leaned back on my seat, grinning.

"I just want to say that you don't have to pick me up later.."

My brows furrowed. "Why?" The line went silent for a few seconds but I know Zayn hasn't hung up yet cause I can hear faint sounds in the background. "Babe?"

"Sorry Curly. I'm still here. Anyway, as I was saying, don't bother on picking me up later. I'm going out with some friends for dinner."

I felt disappointment rushed into my system but I tried to hide it. "Okay. But can I pick you up after your dinner instead?"

I heard Zayn blew a deep breath and sighed loudly. "No need. I can manage Curly."

"But how will you get home? You don't have car to use.." I insist some more. I can feel he's rolling his eyes at me although I can't see him right now. I know sometimes, I'm a little bit overprotective but I can't help it when it comes to Zayn. I just want him safe and I really want to keep an eye on him all the time. I admit that sometimes I'm getting a bit too much and he's starting to be annoyed but I'm just scared. Scared that he would leave me and he'd be gone again like before. Zayn is my life. If he leaves me, I don't know what will happen to me.

"Curly I'll be fine. I'll just ask Mark to bring me home later. Don't worry. I'm not a child anymore." His voice was now hard and sounds annoyed. Can't blame him though.

"Fine. But be home before 9 okay?"

"9? What am I? A kid?" he almost yelled. I know he's starting to get pissed and that's the last thing I want right now.

"How about 10? I'll wait for you till you get home. I love you babe.."

I heard him sighed once again. "Fine. I'll be home before 10. I love you too.."

The line ended before I could even make kissing sounds. Oh well.

After finishing some computer works, my phone rings once again. When I look at the screen, it's Louis. "Hey Haz.." he chirped as soon as I answered.

"Hey Lou. Wazzup?"

"Are you still at work? I'm bored right now. Can we go out and have a few drinks?" He really does sound bored. Maybe I should come with him. Beside, Sam is with Liam and I'll just tell him to bring my baby home later. "Haz come on.." he whine from the other line.

"When and where are we going?"

I swear, I heard him squeal like a girl. "There's a new bar not far from here. They say live bands were performing there. I want to check it out."

If I have know better, he just want to look for some hot girls since he's now single. Eleanor broke up with him last year and she was now married to someone else.

"What time are we going? I need to be home before 10."

"I'll pick you up now. Wait for me."


When we arrived here 1 hour ago, the bar is not yet pack. There's a little stage at the front and a band was playing mellow music that soothes the ambience. I had finished my 2nd bottle of beer when Niall arrived. Louis called him earlier so we'd have more company.

"I'll just go to the toilet." I lifted myself up from my seat and look for the bathroom. I turn to the left and I almost stumbled backwards when I bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't mean it." a deep voice spoke. I raised my head to see who it is. Because the place was a little bit dimmed, I can't clearly see his face but he's the same height as Zayn. And he also has a dark brown eyes.

"It's okay. No harm done mate." I gave him a small smile before I continue to walk to my destination.

When I returned to our table, a new set of beers were on the table and a new band is playing on the stage.

"This place is not bad.." Louis mumbled as he took a large chugged of his beer. Niall and I both nodded in agreement. I roamed my eyes around. Some of the people were on the dance floor, dancing while I Gotta Feeling is playing. My gaze fell on the stage, meeting the vocalist's eyes. He flashed me a very charming smile which I returned. He looks familiar though. Oh! He's the guy I bumped into earlier. I scan the room once again and one person caught my attention. It's Zayn. He was sitting not far from our table as he chugged on his beer while his eyes were also scanning the crowd. What is he doing here? I thought he's in dinner with some friends?

I stood in my seat to get to his table but my feet stopped on track when a blonde girl approach him, dragging him to the dance floor. Dana.

I slumped on my seat again and fished out my phone from my pocket, sending a text to Zayn.

[ Where are you now babe? X ]

I put my iPhone down on the table and wait for his reply. After a minute, my phone vibrates.

[ Still with Mark and Paul here at the restaurant. Be home soon. Love you. X ]

I felt my heart speeding up. Why is he lying to me??

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