Chapter 30

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[ Zayn ]

I woke up from the feeling of hot air hitting my shoulder. I stretched my legs but gasp when a little bit of pain shot through my hips and ass. Fuck. What the hell? I tried to move again but an arms tightens around my waist and a deep voice groaned. "Be still. I'm sleeping."

My eyes widen when I recognized Harry's voice and all the memories from last night came flooding back. After a long time, finally, my dreams came true. I got the man I love back to me and we made love. Plus it's been a while now that's why my body feel sore but I don't care because I can clearly remember the words that Harry utters to me. He finally says "I Love You" again. Best feeling ever.

I turned to my side and came face to face with a sleeping beauty. He's back to sleeping peacefully with his breathing coming out even, his lips slightly parted and his cheeks tinted red. I missed waking up every morning to this gorgeous creature beside me.

I raised my hand and touch Harry's cheeks ever so lightly, brushing my thumb on the soft skin. I traced a finger on his lips and his nose crunched up in annoyance, his eyelids slowly opens revealing his green eyes. His brows knotted but when he saw me smiling at him, he smiled back. "Morning handsome." he croaked on his sexy voice.

"Good morning Curly." I scoot closer to him, nuzzling my face on his neck. He smells so good even in the morning.

I felt his large hand rubbing my bare back as he kiss my temple. "How are you feeling babe?"

"A little bit sore but I'm good." I murmur.

"Sore? Just like the first time eh?" Harry teased. I pinched his right nipple which cause him to yelp. His arms around me tightens and I savour the warmth coming from him. I could stay like this forever with him holding me, like he's afraid to let me go.

Does he finally accept me back to his life? He doesn't seem to regret what we've done or does he?



"Last night--"

"was amazing." he said before I could finish.

"No regrets?"


I let out a breath of relief and his lips touched my forehead again as he chuckles. We didn't speak again after that but just hold each other tightly instead. However, we were soon interupted by a loud knock on the door followed by a deep slurred voice.

"Hey mofos, get up!" it's Niall.

Harry groaned, letting me go hesitantly. "He's annoying."

"Guys wake--"

"Shut up Niall we're already up!" Harry shouted and we heard laughter outside.

"Good. See you at the lobby."

When Niall was gone, Harry climbed down the bed, not bothering to cover his nakedness. He turn to face me. "I'm taking a shower babe." he inform with a smirk. I raised a brow. "Think you could join me? I need some scrubbing on my back?"

I giggle at his cheeky invite. "Sure."


"Do you want more Curly?"

Harry shook his head while chewing mouthful of pancakes. "Thish...thish ish enough."

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Don't talk when your mouth is full idiot." I scolded. He rolled his eyes but grins at me after, showing his dimple. I love this idiot so much.

After our playful shower earlier, we made our way to the hotel's lobby and like yesterday, all our friends were all there, complete attendance. The girls kissed our cheeks while the boys just nods at us. They were having pancakes again, same with yesterday but with some bacons, hams and eggs on the side now. Harry and I sat beside each other and I could feel everyone's eyes on us especially when we start chatting and laughing. I choose to ignore their questioning look and just focus my attention on the curly boy beside me.

Keeping You Forever [sequel to Can I Keep You?]Where stories live. Discover now