Chapter 25

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[ Zayn ]

I really hate plane rides. It makes me sick to my stomach everytime. My body still can't get used to it eventhough we've traveled places before for some photoshoots. Stupid body.

I leaned my head back on my seat and shut my eyes tightly. I better sleep through the rest of the flight so I won't feel anything but as I'm focusing on dozing off, a deep voice spoke from beside me. "Are you okay?" It's Harry. Our friends insits that we should sit together so here we are. "Dizzy?" I nodded but didn't bother to speak up nor look at him. I don't know, it's kinda awkward especially when I think about what happen yesterday. We almost kiss for God's sake! Plus the scene earlier at the airport is a little bit weird.

*An hour earlier*

"Babye Daddy Zen!" Sam waved his chubby arms at me. I picked him up and kiss cheeks over and over again while tickling his sides. He keeps squirming and giggling so I had to hold him tight on my arms. "I'll see you after a week okay baby and i'll bring something for you too. What do you want?"

"I want a starfish." he beamed at me with wide eyes. I chuckled at how cute my son is. "A starfish? Okay daddy will get you starfish!" he squealed loudly, giving the biggest smile ever.

Liam then took Sam from me and my friends gave him hugs and some kisses too. I know they missed the boy too.

So today is our flight to Miami and Harry arrived with Sam and Zach. He informed us that Zach can't come with us because he has a lot of gigs to attend and he can't be gone obviously because he's the vocalist. He just decided to drive Harry here at the airport, bringing Sam along so the guys can see him before we go. Plus their reactions upon seeing Zach is quiet hilarious. They kept saying that me and Zach looks the same and that we could passed as brothers but seriously, I doubt that. I don't see any resemblance. They were just exaggerating.

"You take care there Curly. I'll just be here waiting till you return." I heard Zach says to Harry. His voice is a little bit low but since they were just behind me, I can hear them.

"I'll see you after a week Zachy. Be ready when I get back, we'll have some sexy time." Harry teased while chuckling.

"I wish it'll happen but I doubt that."

"Huh?" Harry sounds confused.

They didn't speak again after that so I took a seat on the nearby bench and now, I could finally see them. Zach has his back on me while I could see Harry's face. They were staring at each other for a while before Zach hugs Harry. His arms were tight around Harry's neck and Harry pulled him close, his arms on the younger guy's waist.

It would be a beautiful scene if they were just two unknown lovers to me but they're not. That's why I could feel pain in my chest. Maybe I'm really a masochist because I can't tore my gaze away from them. It's crazy.

"Guys it's time. C'mon." Liam announced. He gave Sam back to me so I stood up. I noticed Zach's hold on Harry tightens like he doesn't want to let him go.

"I love you Harry. Always remember that. I love you so much." I heard him mumbled.

"Hey, ssh calm down Zachy. I'm not going to die seriously." Harry snickers, trying to joke but Zach shook his head. "This could be the last time that I could hold you like this."

Harry's brows knotted. "What? Are you okay? You know I won't go if you don't want me to."

"No! You should go to your friends huh. Don't mind me."

Harry cupped the younger guy's face. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Zach croaked out. "I'll be here waiting Curly and please let me know if you already change your mind."

Harry's eyes widen and I know he finally gets what Zach is trying to say because his face saddens. He captured his lips and they kissed. When they pull away from each other, Harry kissed Zach's forehead then his eyes flicked to me. I quickly averted my gaze away from him, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. He caught me staring!

But what bugs me the most is Zach's words. I don't understand him.

*end of flashback*

"...on my shoulder."


I fluttered my eyes open and I'm instantly met by Harry's eyes. Is he talking to me or what?

"Are you saying something?"

He raised an eyebrow with an amused smile on his lips. "I said you can rest your head on my shoulder so you could sleep better."

"Oh umm no it---"

"C'mon Zayn." he cutted me off. "I know you hate plane rides so come 'ere." his arm goes around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. Since I really feel sick, I didn't protest anymore. I gave in and snuggle up on him, my nose touching his neck while my arms shamelessly snaked around his waist. Now this is a really comfortable position. I feel better. I shut my eyes off again when I felt a light tapped on my head.

Wait, did Harry just kissed my forehead? Sweet..


A short update for everyone! Hope you like it :D

Picture at the side is little Sam. Isn't he the cutest :) ----->

Who's excited for BSE?! I AM!!! :D


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