Chapter 31

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[ Harry ]

During our last days at the beach, Zayn and I spent our times almost together. We're inseperable.

After speaking to Liam the other day, I went back to Zayn and he told me that Louis talked to him too. It kinda pissed me off that they're interfering with my life but then, I know they were only thinking of me. Zayn and I decided that when we get back to London, we would part ways for the meantime. I need to talk to Zach and settle things with him. Zayn promised me that he'll wait for me whatever happens and if things were really not meant for us, we'll remain as friends.

Being with Zayn again is one of the happiest time of my life. I never thought that we could go and cuddle each other again but fate seems to have better plans for us and it leads Zayn back to me again. Destiny really works.

"A penny for your thought Curly boy?" a deep voice whisper near my ears, his hot breath tickling my neck. I tilt my head to the side and Zayn's sleepy eyes met mine. His head is resting on my shoulder since he's really weak during flights. We're heading back home now and there's only a few hours left more for me to be with him.

"It's nothing. Just thinking of some things." I smile. I pressed a soft kiss on his temple and he sighed peacefully. "Just sleep. Still feeling dizzy?"

"A little. I'll just sleep it out."

"Good idea. Go on." he reached out for my hand and entwined our fingers together before his eyelids droop down. After a while, his breathing became even and light snores coming out of his slightly parted lips.



I groan, pressing my body more to the warm one beside me. I heard a faint chuckle and a hand touching my face. "C'mon now love. We're about to land. We need to prepare."

So slowly, I forced my eyelids to open and Zayn's gorgeous face is the first thing I saw. He smiles at me, amused. I pout, shaking my head before nuzzling my nose on his neck making him giggle. "Hey lazy boy, you need to put your seatbelt on now."

Letting out a huff, I straightened up but buckles my seatbelt anyways. I leaned on my side and gave Zayn a quick peck on his lips. His cheeks turns into a light shade of pink and I swear, he's so cute when he's blushing. I reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. He gazed at me lovingly but I didn't missed the sad smile on his lips.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. He shakes his head. "Please tell me Zayn."

He didn't answer, instead he brought our linked hands on his lips, kissing it gentle. A simple action making my heart flutter. "Babe?"

"I'm just afraid Curly."

My eyebrows raised. "Afraid of what?"

"What if Zach doesn't want to let you go?" his voice is so low that I almost didn't catch up on what he's saying.

He is right. What if Zach takes it badly? Like what I said, I don't want to hurt Zach. He's important to me and I've learned to love him. Ending things with him would be so damn hard.

To be honest, one thing that made me fall for Zach is his looks. Like what my friends says before, he resembles of Zayn. Everytime I looked at Zach's face, all I could see is Zayn. I know it's selfish of me to used him but that was before. All these time I spent time with him, I got the chance to know him more, to love him as Zach.

"Curly?" Zayn's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He's staring at me with concern on his eyes so I gave his hand a soft squeeze again.

"I'll fix everything. Just trust in me okay?"

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