Chapter 19

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Two months later...


As I stepped out of the plane, the familiar scent of London quickly invades my nose. A smile crept on my lips. For 2 months of staying on New Zealand, I had to admit, I had enjoyed it a lot but nothing really compares to your own home. The place where you belong although now, I don't have one anymore. I abandoned him.

The thought quickly hurt my chest. I wonder how he's doing now? Does he already moved on from me? I wish he had.

"Home sweet home London!" Dana squealed beside me. A big smile on her lips. "Louis wait for me."

I lifted a brow and narrowed my eyes at her. She gave me a "what-look".

I shook my head and smirk at her. "Nothing." she poked her tongue out in a very childish way.

This last few months, she admit to me that she and Louis were having a constant communication thru text and Skype. I can clearly see that they do really like each other. Both of them were my friends and I'm happy for them.

Heavy arm suddenly goes around my shoulder and I instantly smell his familiar scent. I peer up and found Luke looking up at the sky with a smile on his lips. "Good to be home again." he mumble before finally meeting my eyes. I smiled back at him.

Luke became my friend while we were at New Zealand. At first he's really quiet and spent most of his time at the corner, away from everyone. Then one time, when our eyes met, he flashed me a boyish smile and that's when I approached him. We had some conversation and soon we became close. He may look snob but he's not. In fact, he's a really funny guy and a good company. I like him so mubgag.

No. Don't think of something more. I like him as a little brother. Plus he's only 18 and I'm 25. I don't go for young guys. Except Harry. He's an exception.

Harry. Just the mention of his name brings so much sadness to me. Being far from him is like death. Memories of him is killing me slowly and I really can't count how many time I have cried during the night but I chose this. I left him so I must deal with the pain. Without Harry and Sam, I'm incomplete. But like I said, I caused this to myself.

In my broken times, Dana and Luke are always there for me. They made me smile and laugh. They listen to me as I moped and cried and I'm really grateful that they never leave me.

"Let's go to the office now so we can start our short meeting and then, you can all have the 10 days off that I promised." Michael announced loudly. Everyone start cheering.

I still have some few hours to prepare for Liam's birthday celebration tonight and I'm confident that I won't see Harry there that's why I'm going. I've heard from my friends that they haven't see Harry for a few weeks now. It seems he's avoiding everyone.


"That's it for today guys. See you after 10 days. Enjoy your vacation!"

"Thanks Mike."

"See yah guys."

Everyone exchanged hugs and kisses before heading out of the office.

"So see you later Zaynee?" I nodded. She'd be going to Liam's too since Louis invited her. She pull me in an embrace, then kiss my cheek before going to her car.

Everyone's gone now so I waited outside for a taxi. Soon, maybe after a few more months, I can finally afford to buy myself a car so commuting won't be difficult anymore.

One by one, I can finally get everything I needed with my own money and that would be a great fulfillment for me.

While waiting, a guy passed by me. He's holding a little boy on his arms and instantly, my heart clenched. I remember Sam. I wonder how he is by now. Since I left, Louis said that Gemma, Harry's older sister, took Sam from Harry since Harry's not capable of taking care of our baby anymore. From what I've heard, Harry is devastated. He's always drunk and he pushed everyone away from him.

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