Chapter 14

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[ Harry ]

My head is pounding. My throat felt dry. My body feels weak. What the hell happens to me?

Groaning loudly, I forced my eyelids to open and immediately, I regret it as the light coming outside the open window blinded me for a second. When I finally adjusted my sight, white ceiling is the first thing I see.

When did my ceiling change into white? As far as I can remember, it's blue. Did Zayn change the paint?

I turn to my right and an unfamiliar window is there. There's a bedside drawer, a digital clock on top of it and a walk in closet that I don't recognise at all.

Wait. Did Zayn do some renovation yesterday?

Carefully, I sit up and rubbed my temple. I feel so tired. And my stomach is churning. I don't know if it's because I'm hungry or I want to throw up. But first, I need to have a talk with my Zayn. Where is he by the way?

I was about to get out of the bed when the door to my room burst open. My eyes widen at the familiar guy who walks in. He's wearing a light blue t-shirt and a black boxer short. His hair is damp and I could smell the minty scent of his shampoo.

"Hi. Atlast you're awake now. How are you feeling?" he asked with a smile on his lips.

"What are you doing in my room?" are the words that left my mouth.

Why is he here? I don't even know his name and then he's here in my house already? It's considered as trespassing! What if he's a bad guy? Let's say, a thief! Maybe he's trying to rob our house! Or he could be a killer? Even good looking guy can be a criminal right? Oh shit! Where's Zayn and Sam?!

I quickly tossed the cover away from my body and my protective instinct quickly kicks in. I grabbed the first thing I saw near me and it's the digital clock that's on the side drawer. "How did you get in here?!"

The guy look at me with an amused expression. He was biting his lip, fighting of a smile.

"What's funny?! Leave now!"  I growled at him and aim the clock at his direction before I threw it at him with extra force. The guy dodged the device and it went flying straight to the wall with a loud crash. He looks at me with wide shock eyes.

"Woah! Calm down man! You're at my house." he raised his both hands in defense.

I frowned. "Your house?"

"Yeah. My house. You were so drunk last night when I saw you at the bar. I was planning to bring you to your house but you passed out on the car so I decided to take you here instead." he explained fast.

Now I remember. I was out with Niall and Liam last night. How much did I drink? Based on the pounding of my head and the churning of my stomach, I bet I had too much. But the main problem is I didn't  went home! Zayn must've been so worried right now. Or maybe not?

I need to be get going now. I took a step towards the bathroom but I tripped when my mind black out and I felt dizzy. Luckily my face didn't hit the hard floor when two strong arms caught me by my waist.

"Shit be careful!"

"Sorry." I groaned as my stomach grumbles and my head's pounding. "My head hurts like shit."

"You better lie down again. I'll grab some med and water. I'll bring you breakfast too."

Although I want to protest, I still found myself nodding. He helped me climbed back to bed and I lie on my back.

I'm so dead. Zayn would be so mad. He's probably thinking of different things about me right now. As soon as I feel better, I'll drive home fast and apologise. Then I'll talk to him about that photography thing and let him do it. If that's what makes him happy, i'll support him all the way.

The guy came back with a tray on his hand. It has some french toast and waffels. On the side is the pill and a glass of orange juice.

"Here." I sit up and he put the tray down on my lap. "Eat, then drink the med. It'll make you feel better." he sit on the edge of the bed beside me.

I picked a piece of toast and start munching on it. Suddenly I feel so hungry.

"By the way, I'm Zachary but you can call me Zach. And you?"

I stop chewing and shot him a blank look. "I admire you for bringing a guy you didn't even know here in your house. What if I'm a killer?"

He lifted a brow then smirk. "Really? But you're too hot to be a killer."

I choked on the toast I'm eating. My eyes widen as I peered at him. "Excuse me?"

"What? I said you're too hot to be a killer."

"Are you gay?"

He didn't answer. Instead he shrugged casually. The smile on his lips never falters.

It simply means one thing. He's gay.

I continued eating. I could feel Zach's gaze on me and it's making me quiet uneasy since I'm eating. When I finished all the foods, I took the pill and chugged the juice.

"Thank you for the foods. It's great."

"So what's your name?" he asked again. I turned to face him and our eyes met. Looking at him now, I had to admit, he's good looking. His chocolate brown eyes are gorgeous. But of course, Zayn's eyes is the most breathtaking sight I've ever seen. Nothing can compare to it. Nothing.

"I'm Harry."

Zach flashed me a boyish smile. "Nice to meet you Harry."


"Do you really have to go now?"

For the 5th times, I gave Zach a flat look. "How many times are you going to ask that?"

He rubbed the back of his neck then smile. "Sorry. Can I just have your number?" he handed his phone on me.

I sighed in defeat and type my number on it. I put my name then gave it back to him. He grinned widely. "Thank you."

"Yeah. Whatever. By the way, thank you for taking care of me last night. I owe you one."

"You could pay me some other time. Lunch or dinner maybe?"

"You're clingy." I said, shaking my head. I stepped outside and head to my car. I could feel him following me.

"Only to those who's special." he teased. I choose to ignore him since I have no intention on flirting with him eventhough he's kinda cute. I have Zayn in my life. He's enough.

I open the car's door and climb on the driver's seat, then shut the door again. Peering outside the window where Zach is standing, I gave him a smile. "Thank you again Zach. Until next time."

He nodded, his both hands shove on his pants' front pocket. "Yeah. See you again soon. Drive safely."


I arrived at our house and found it empty. Zayn's still at work, probably, and Sam is on either Louis, Niall or Liam. Perfect. I have time to prepare for my surprise. Since he won't be home till six in the evening and seeing it's only two, I took a quick shower before going to the supermarket. After buying all the stuff I needed, I start to cook his favorite foods then set up the table. I hope he likes this. And I hope he forgives me too.

At 5pm, while I'm sprawled on the couch, I heard the front door open causing me to jump up. Is that Zayn? He's early.

I fixed my hair to make sure it's not messy or what, then straightened my shirt. I even sniff myself. So far so good.

You can do it Harry. Remember, you should made sure that Zayn forgives your idiotness. (is that even a word?)

Instead of Zayn, it's Sam who came running in the living room. He was startled when he saw me but then he scream so loudly. "Daddy Curly!" he jumped on my arms and quickly, his arms goes around my neck.

"Woah careful big boy." I giggles as Sam showers my face with light kisses. "You miss me that much?"

He nodded, eyes wide and his embrace tightens like he didn't want to let me go.

Zayn came in minutes later and he was surprised to see me. His fist balled to his side and I can see his body trembling. His face was blank with emotion. "Where were you last night?" he asked in a hard tone.

I put Sam down on his feet. "Baby go to your room first. Daddy Zayn and I were just going to talk ok?"

"Okay." he nodded then run upstair. When he's gone, I walked towards Zayn, holding his fist into mine.

"Babe I'm sorry. I got drunk last night and a friend saw me. I fell asleep on the car so he took me to his house. I should've called you really but I was out because of the alcohol. I'm really sorry."

Zayn stared at my face. "Is your friend a girl?"

"Huh? No. Why?"

"I thought you cheated on me with a slut."

I lifted an amuse brow at him. "Seriously? Did you just forgot that I'm gay?"

"Oh! So you hooked up with a guy then?"

My brows knotted together. "What are you saying huh? I would never cheat on you."

He didn't answer, just stare at my face. I stared back and wait for him to speak up.

"I was so worried about you Curly." he said in a voice almost a whisper.

"I know. I'm sorry babe."

Before I knew i, his body slammed into mine that cause me to lose my balance. His arms tightened around my neck, his head on my shoulder. "I thought... I thought you already leave me." he mumbled, his breath fanning on my neck.

"Psh.." I pressed his body much closer to mine, my hands stroking his back. "You know, I won't do that to you babe." His head raised up, his eyes meeting mine. "I love you Harry, so much."

"Nah. I love you more Zaynee."

He smile widely, his eyes moistening with tears. He pressed his lips on mine and kiss me with so much passion that I gladly return. As things starts to got heated, I pull away and Zayn let out a whiney noise. I chuckled. "Hold up. I have something for you."

He shook his head furiously. "No. It can wait Curly. I want you now."

"Eager much?"

"Hell yeah. C'mon."

When we passed by Sam's room, I stopped in front of the door. "Curly what now?!" the annoyance in Zayn's voice is clear and I can't help but laughed. "What's funny?!"

"Nothing. I'll just check on Sam okay? Wait." I opened the door and stepped inside to find Sam sprawled on the bed, asleep. Good boy. I kissed him on his temple before exiting his room.

"He's asleep." I told Zayn.

He grinned widely. "He must've been tired from playing a lot. So let's go now."

As soon as we enter our room, Zayn attacked me with an eager, rough and hungry kiss.

Oh well. My surprise can wait I guess. This moment is more important.

I'm sorry. I don't know what happen to this chapter. It sucks big time. Sorry =__=


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